Cactus in menthols?

Love the juiciness that cactus gives to my fruit mixes. Been working with menthols and vanilla lately and notice some are dry tasting. I was wondering if cactus in small quantities would help or would it just be strange?


Could work. My natural inclination is that cactus is good when you can’t taste cactus. Maybe a drop of pear fa?
I am very very interested by your result of you can get a daap free ice vanilla.


You could but yes it could be strange. You could also try low percents of coconut fa or pear fa. Low as in 0.1-0.25%


Cactus with creams can sometimes develop a strange off note, for me it has anyway. Are you looking for something like Creme De Menthe? Or are your trying to add chill to a vanilla flavor?

For adding chill without the dry texture, try WS23 rather than menthol or koolada. For adding more of a moist texture to a vanilla/menthol combo try using marshmallow and/or meringue maybe .25% saline. There are creamy flavors out there that have very moist creamy textures but I don’t have enough experience with them to advise you in detail.


one way i would go, is add 1% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (CAP) is has a nice built in cooling effect when steeped, has creamy texture and can boost the vanilla notes

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I wish :zipper_mouth_face:

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It is ok up to .4 for me as a rule of thumb. I add it to my ice strawberry recipe for wetness.