Cake (Yellow) - Flavor West - are there flavors that can replace this one?

Hello Vapers!

I like Cake (Yellow) - Flavor West very much, but it contains a form of sugar. Sugar can caramelize and even burn at low temps, and produce toxins and suspected carcinogens.

I wonder if there’s a flavor that has the same taste profile or close… any ideas?


To simply put it no, it cannot be replaced. That is why i wish everybody would stop putting it in every single damn mix they make.


yellow cake is a beautiful flavor i love it to death but its a coil destroyer because the sugar i think any cake flaves you may get the same thing im not sure but have you tried caps or any others ??? FW IMO doesnt do alot right but the ones they got right they nailed down solid have you tried to create a cake stone without the yellow cake


hahahaha, maybe you’re right :grin: :+1:

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I’ve replaced it in my recipes with Pound Cake FLV. It’s more concentrated and taste better IMO.

My early test with RF Raw Extracts Cake Batter shows a lot of promise also.


i also think that it’s a good flavor and i like it but i’ve stopped smoking to avoid health harm, i’ve came to vaping to get a healthier option, so i’m trying to find alternatives, even though i like something … from the same reason i change cotton everyday and change coils once a week or when i see rust.

i like sweet flavors and i like caramel flavors but … trying to get off most of them and find something else …

i’m experimenting with stones, yes, thanks to Alisa … and i have a lot of different cake flavors, which have no gunking ingredients… guess that i’ll stick to them :slight_smile:


i get it believe me i do


thanks bro Pro, i’ve got the pound cake but haven’t got a chance to work much with it… thanks for the advice!


Jungle Flavors has a new Yellow Cake


I’m making an order tomorrow …thanks Boss …added




is that saying it is better than FW

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As good as, if not better than - minus the corn syrup.


so in your opinion ciuld it be substituted in recipes without much change to recipe , i also noticed they had a cookie and biscuit how do those compare to fa cookie and inawera biscuit , you guys carry 22 flaves of theirs how is the honeydew tfa is my fave but im always looking for another option and which do you think you would not buy ???

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Bavarian Cream


Cheesecake Graham Crust


Forest Mix


Lemon Juicy

Pink Burst

Ry4 Double

Strawberry Sweet

Yellow Cake

These are the 11 new JF flavors we have formulated ourselves. It sounds like you are starting to put together what brands we based them after, and our goal was to make them as good as, if not better.

I’m very curious to hear what you think of them, and whether or not Yellow Cake works for you as good as it did for me. The idea is definitely to convert your recipes that use FW over to this one.


ill definetly give them a try i need to place order and will let you know ty for the info

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any special sales coming up on jungle flaves tha your aware of i know i missed one not too long ago ???

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@DonovanECX i live in anacortes wa , do you think yiu will ever do will call iut of your bellingham warehouse

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some says the FA Torrone is quite similar… ive found the Inawera Lemon Cake to be quite close and prefered