I got you. Let me list what I have first. Hellvape md mtl, galaxies rta and rdta, qp gata, ates v1, ares v2, berserker v1, 1.5, 2, Artemis mtl, fumytech rose, merlin nano, anani v2, cog, pioneer. Of those coming from a pod I am going to say the galaxies rta or the fumytech rose (if you can find it it is a damn nice flavor rta). Oh, I have an ammit as well.
The srtemis seems to work best with the larger airflow. I get some turbulence with the smaller airflow adapter. The tank is plastic, but seems like it’s holding up well. Keep in mind upgrading to a glass variant will be near impossible due to how the tips are beveled.
The galaxies rta it a solid rta. It is very durable. It is I think 22mm. It looks nice on smaller mods. Simple to build. Good flavor with plain 26g or 28g wire due to the small chamber. The sorflow works with these wheel that I make sure to spin regularly because I am afraid that they will one day quit twisting.
The cog it made of plastic. It has flipping fantastic flavor. The coil chamber is tiny. Had the been made more durably it would be the king of mtl no doubt. I get better flavor from this than the kayfin lite 2019.
Anani v2. I can build, I can wick great. This thing is my nemesis. I have used someone else’s and it tasted decent. I have cleaned this thing over and over, I get a grass.flavor with every flavor I vape. At this point I really want to just find it a lo Ely new home before I snap it.
Galaxies rdta. I saw it on sale for 16 dollars at vape king usa. Good company. This thing is great. The king of airflow options without having to deal with airflow inserts. I has great flavor. Solid atty, I love this thing. Wicking it and filling it can be annoying. The build deck is similar to the holic rda (which should have been the galaxies rda!)
Ares v2. This would be a great choice. Simple to build. Kind of bigger than the other options. Holds a nice amount of liquid. Seems solidly built. I good all arounder. I love the metal drip tip included. The airflow is actually tighter than the original. I have both the v2 and the limited edition v2. The LE is worth the extra few dollars.
Hellvape md. If you get a non leaky one it is great. I got 3 non leaky and 1 leaky. It seems to be a problem with the bell cap or sliding cap maybe. That is the part that leaks no matter what base I pair it with.
Ammit, good rta. But there are better options
Berserker v1 go with the 1.5. It is good but it tends to blacken my cotton quickly no matter how I build it.
Berserker 1.5 mini. Great rta. Can be tricky to build at first. Once you get it you’re good to go. Acceptable flavor. Solidly built. It comes with Antal tank option which eliminates the need to worry about breaking the glass version.
Berserker v2. I have a love Haye with this. If I build it big it performs. If I build smaller it seems to come and go as far as flavor. It’s got the same build deck as the md. The way it twist and closes is frustrating at first. The airflow ring is a straight pain in the ass.
Merlin nanl bottom fill. Outdated design. Would be good for a pod user. Small 18mm. Love this tiny flavor beast.
Fjmytech rose amazing rta. Love it. If you find it buy it. Great exceptional flavor. Don’t watch zophie vapes review she whacked the build horribly and built it as a dual coil. I laughed so hard watching her.
QP gata this is a little more pricey than the others. My absolute never leaves my side rta. It is dual use rdtl mtl. Has many pieces and parts. Flipping flavor banger. I bought 5 of them and had no prob dropping 70 a piece. I see them now for 55. Myvpro and e cigarettes has them. Easg to build and wicking is like an rda. Durable. Pretty standard tank size. I wanna say one of the intake glass pieces is compatible and maybe the MDs as well.