So then it seems that peanut butter steeping is a bit of a room divider, truth b told I was a snv type until I found half a mix I wasn’t so keen on a few months later and boom I’m sold steeping is a must… even with fruits… there I’ve said it
I don’t know cap peanut but if you have TPA, you’re going to be happy. It’s a really good concentrate and IMO doesn’t need much steeping. Like all flavors, it’ll benefit from a steep but it can be quite enjoyable in a few days.
Peanut butter was never something that appealed to me as a flavor for vaping. That was at least until I tried it. One day I had room for an extra flavor in my cart and I just threw it in to try. It was a great surprise… good as a single flavor and mixes well with lots of other things.
If you like a peanut vape however, I’d say go for both (or even try more brands) and make up your own mind what you like best. It’s subjective, but creamy nut flavors are IMO a must have for bakery and tobacco mixes. Never tried it with fruit but if you have some ideas and examples to share, go right ahead
" Cap peanut butter v1 better than TPA?"
I mix both together to get the best of what I was looking for in a mix. Each has their strengths with regards to dryness vs wetness, intensity, sweetness, etc… .
I bought FW PB on a chef’s sale, but wish I never did, TPA was a lot better… now I’m stuck with a 30ml of chemical PB… the taste is there, but… there again
Just used some on a nuts mix… let’s wait for its steeping… a long one…
Cap v1 is my preferred
I have both pb and a pretty good idea what I’m doing now, it’s all thanks to the input you all give me. I think perhaps it’s my wording that has you wondering how I can combine fruits into it, I meant even fruits change after a steep an old bottle of juicy mango I found hiding in the back of a cupboard tastes much better than I remember it tasting 6months ago.
I don’t know if you count pb jelly/jam adding fruits
I never tried cap pb … how would you describe it comparing it with tpa?
@anon28032772 I have both, and to my taste TPA is more of an unsweetened, more peanuty PB, maybe somewhat slightly more salty. The CAP PB is more of a somewhat sweeter, more “Creamy Jif” like.