I made a mix of Capella custard cake at 4% and .5% super sweet on October 10th. It’s now been over a month, and it tastes chemical, caramel and smokey like a liquid smoke flavor. When I first mixed it, I thought it tasted like bacon without the good part. Idk wtf, cuz all the rest of the people I see say that it tastes really good. I’m super disappointed. Right now I’m trying to shake it and leave the cap off but I don’t have very high hopes. I got it from Bull City flavors. I smelled it from the bottle too and it also has an acetone smell.
@Mediocre_Remedial I reviewed it back in 2022, and didn’t get any smokey or caramel from it, and def. no liquid smoke. Granted our tastes, and equipment are different, so there’s no ONE way to taste flavors for sure. The liquid smoke it curious, and I just didn’t get any of that. I did get some burnt edges on the cake, but that was as close as I could get a smoke.
Custard Cake (CAP) 4% (1-15-22) – Alright, I couldn’t wait for the FULL steepity, steep, steep, steep, so we’ll just get INTO these NOW !!! FIRST official Capella SFT thread by me, so never a dull moment here. It was actually THIS flavor, mentioned in another thread, that alerted me that CAP had released some NEW flavors, so let’s get TO it. Having a LARGE collection of CAP flavors, it’s pretty rare, and very unexpected to get a flavor that really tastes NEW, that doesn’t share numerous commonalities with other CAP flavors. This one I TRIED to pick apart, find close similarities, or “recycles” as I call them, and I couldn’t. Pretty cool, right ? In the bottle, I thought I might have caught a whiff of French Vanilla, but tasting is, that was NOT present. I found this to be a really NEAT flavor. The Yellow Cake to my tastes was readily present, BUT, it was tempered by something else, something more. At first, I was trying to envision a CAP VC but, without the egg, but that wasn’t it. Vanilla cupcake ?? No. Maybe an almost vanilla pudding, with fairly recessed vanilla, might be close. Some YC’s can push into “baby powder” if run too high, and this one showed no signs of that @ 4%. If was actually nicely full at this weight, with nothing off-putting, and sweetness was at about mid level. It wandered around a bit, which kept it more interesting than not, but try to imagine a delicious Yellow Cake, with some darkened notes, just like the cake out of the pan where it was slightly overcooked on the outer edges, mixed with Pudding, a smidge of Vanilla, and that’s what this one was. No eggy, so eggy custard junkies, will have to look elsewhere. I kept pondering if the slight Vanilla I was getting was CAP’s French Vanilla, but every time I focused on it, the answer was no. I was very surprised by this one, and had completely expected to notice/identify a previous CAP nuance, but, it never revealed that. Moderately sweet, and with an overall smooth, and almost creamy-like aspect, that did keep you coming back, this one proved to be interesting, and addictive, AND, could almost stand on it’s own. What will be neat about this one, is it’s uses. Custards, cakes (duh), but bakeries, and much more could benefit from this, as it straddled a few different profiles. Not just a custard,or just a cake, but actually BOTH, and with some delicious pudding thrown in on top. Having been unable to put it down yet, I think 9.4/10 outta about sum it up.
I didn’t get the notes you’re describing from Cap Custard cake at 4%. I got a moist yellow type cake with notes of vanilla and a custard. I use usual use it in a mix at 2%
My notes from ELR
% 70/30
YUM!! Custard and Cake, what’s better than that? Nice custard blended with cake. A rich most, thick creamy cake. Almost like a milk cake, but creamier, more rich. I don’t get egg from this. I get almost like a cream custard. The cake is present but definitely needs assistance. This will work great in cakes, custards, desserts, maybe solo. It’s lower mid sweet. I get very little vanilla. I like this a lot, I’ll buy a bigger bottle after this 30mls is gone. I see myself using this a lot! If you’re a dessert person, try this, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Welcome @Mediocre_Remedial that’s a proper downer when that happens.you can only presume you’ve got a bad batch.have a moan at your supplier and get another order in
@Mediocre_Remedial Firstly, welcome to the forum bud. We are glad you joined!!
Just curious… What device are you using- and at what wattage?! I thoroughly enjoy my Custard Cake- and have had zero issues. Let’s get to the bottom of this together.
Hey! Thanks everyone for your replies. I’m using a sub ohm vape. A geek vape with an arbiter 2 atomizer. I have 1 coil installed that gives me .31 ohms and I vape at 55.5w, I’ve found 55-60 is my sweet spot.
I tried the juice again this morning, didn’t get the smokey but total acetone and very bitter. Bleh. I might start buying flavors from a new supplier. There’s been a few I’ve gotten now that i figured were just disgusting to my taste, but it might be the supplier.
good chance its not the distributor like bull city,
i’d blame the manufacturer, bad batches happen
but first i’d let someone else test the flavoring to rule out any sensitivities then talk to bull city about a return
I have 5 different strawberries and they all taste terrible to me in vape
but taste great in a sprite.
turns out i have a strange pallette and its pretty common
You may be just sensitive to something in that flavor, I get that alot in cake flavors especially any with burnt edges. I describe it as a caramely burnt orangey note.
ill just add there different ways to test your flavorings
sprite is my favourite for fruits
but for desserts you can try eating some 0 nic e-eliquid or try it in coffee they can taste very different when eaten vs vaped
you can repurpose the flavoring for baking, drinks -
desserts go good in coffee - or use it as an air freshner etc
smell alone isn’t good enough these are very concentrated, my FA vienna cream smells like glue but tastes amaZing
Ok so taste is one thing, how does your custard cake e liquid smell? Mine is very “sharp” idk how to describe it. It definitely doesn’t smell like custard or anything baked. It’s got this smell I can’t really describe, it’s not very nice though. It’s like a “caramel” smell, but chemical and alcohol notes.
It’d be interesting to know how your custard cake liquids (the diy liquid, not the concentrate) smell out of the bottle in comparison.
I actually accidentally fell asleep on the bottle and the alcohol smell seems a little less pungent now. I’ve unfortunately been unable to taste much of anything in my all my liquids the past few days. It’s like every single one of them is flavor fatigued. They all have totally different flavors, I try not to use the same ones in recipes for this reason. I don’t usually use heat for steeping cause I thought it wasn’t necessary. Maybe it is.
The bottle of custard cake smells better now, and the taste isn’t as bad…but I get no taste really at all. Too much vaping bakery and cream flavors I guess. Gonna go back to fruit for a while and see.
OK! so I’ve solved my problem I think. So despite all my bakery flavors being made of completely different flavorings, they share flavor fatigue. The one I noticed doesn’t really share this sweet crunch. ive switched off to fruit and upon trying the custard cake again on actually got some good flavor. But it’s still weak, I think vaping bakery and cream stuff for months is probably the issue.
I’ve vaped custard for nearly 6 years now. there is a ingredient in bakery’s I read somewhere (somebody with more knowledge of this may confirm)that some get that funky taste luckily I’ve never got it but I do vape fruits and NET as well glad ya sorted it
I don’t have any Custard Cake e-liquid mixed up to smell but I really never go by the smell (or knuckle test) myself
I originally mixed it at 3% solo and got that taste I get in Yellow Cakes and Sponge Cakes that I don’t like… seems to work at 1% max in a recipe for my taste.
NOTED featured one of my recipes and questioned my low usage of that flavor… to each his own I guess
Here’s the recipe:
Link to Show; https://www.youtube.com/live/7WCyJQC_sr4?si=qzwmlI2LslVYu2oS&t=2167
I have to switch it up every so often because of the dreaded “Vapors Tougue”. I run a custard/bakery mix 90% of the time, but always have a fruit mix laying around to send 60ml through just to clear the pallette.
This is such a good recipe! I think that 1% cap custard cake did a lot to the rest of the recipe. Gave it nice moisture.
I’m not sure now this ine slipped through… It’s on the “Mix List”
I think noted kissed your ass. I didn’t get any negativity at all .
I just rewatched, zero negativity! It’s a good mix!
Nope, no negativity at all!
Point I was making to the OP is that some people can run Custard Cake at 4%, I can not. Hence “to each his own”…