Capella (NEW) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

BCF now has LMP v2 for sale.


No need to explain man. I was just joshing ya! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What do you mean BCF “now” has it for sale? For as long as I’ve been DIY’ing (which is baby months compared to everyone else’s years, lol), BCF has always had LMP v2. I even sorted the pages to newest Cap flavor releases.


I think he meant V3.


Thank you. I love how you pros can understand what is meant, like how married couples can finish each other’s sentences, lol.


After a while it just becomes second nature. The last time I was a pro at anything was recess at school. :blush:


I’ve been married 23 years now. My wife has gotten so good that she now tells me what my sentences will be before I even think about it.


That made me bust out laughing! Been married almost 27 years here with a large handful of 4 legged kids on the side.


I’m 25 years this year and we encounter the same thing now daily.
I keep telling her it’s the wooden anniversary but she’s adamant it’s a the silver one.
More expense.


I forgot ours this past Saturday. You’d think after all these years she’d get tired of getting pissed off every January 14.


Ours is Jan 6th and we have been forgetting it for the last 17 years… Only reason we remembered this year is because we both had it in our calendar… :grin:


I wish I could remember to do that.


Do it now mate and schedule it to remind you every 12 months… Works for me :smile:


Candied Mango (CAP) 4% (1-17-23) – FIRST ONE out of the gate on these NEW Cap flavors, and it was GOOD !!! A bright, juicy orange, with a smidge of yellow mango. Sweetness was just above mid level, and it just tasted great @ 4%. Now, onto the “candied” part, I think it is/was more than just adding sweetener, as I got an almost SunnyD nuance to this one. Now this did NOT take away from the juicy mango, but I think it did add an almost (not quite but almost) candied aspect to it. Sweet, fresh, and juicy were the three things, that just carried through form beginning to end with this one, and it was just almost complex enough to solo all day long (I did). No rind, or musky-ness present, and no off-putting notes could be found. It presented as maybe a 50/50 mix of natural/artificial, and it just worked. Your needs will dictate what kind of Mango you need, and this one was sweet, and somewhat candied, and although good, didn’t lean fully natural, so that may decide it for you. For me, it was HARD to put down. For a fairly sweet, and juicy mango with an almost SunnyD twang on the finish, this one just worked for me. I couldn’t go below a 9.8/10 on this one.


Chocolate Caramel Nut (CAP) 4% (1-18-23) – Any of you who know me, KNOW that I am a S’mores junkie, and I have released numerous recipes to that effect. This flavor, is the BEST “not” S’mores I have ever tried. What does that mean ?? It tasted like an almost perfect S’mores, and maybe 85% of the way there. It is FAR closer than most, if not all of the actual S’mores flavors OUT there. I think what was happening was the “nut” portion wasn’t overly “nutty” which was GREAT, but added just enough ooomph, and punch to the finish, that almost added some grainy-ness, which was similar to a graham cracker. The chocolate notes were almost perfect in this medley, and the caramel was just perfectly paired WITH it. It’s no secret that I love CAP’s Double Chocolate, and this one is similar, but not quite as dark, with no bitterness, or dryness. The way the caramel and chocolate are proportioned, just left them to MELD into something unique, and the “nut” on the finish just sealed the deal. I challenge anyone who gets this (and you should) to test it, and see if it DOESN’T taste like one of the best-est S’mores you have had. Nothing off-putting @ 4%, and it tasted very good at this weight. Just above mid-level sweet. NOW, scoring will be slightly complex BECAUSE of my obsession with S’mores, AND this flavor’s similarities. I see no reason to mark down, as Chocolate, Caramel, and Nut is fairly similar. It DID exactly what the name implied, and it did it damned well, AND, just so happened to taste like a great S’mores as a bonus. Minor take-offs, as the nut was just a smidge low in the mix. I can’t go lower than 9.7/10.


Chocolate Fudge Brownie v.3 (CAP) 4% (1-19-23) – I started out using this flavor versions ago, and there was something special about the way that Capella captured the brownie flavor. This version was no different. One of my simple favorite-ist brownie recipes was again, captured by this flavor. I knew the v.2’s were a/p free, but still not 100% clear on what the v.3 changed. I had the luxury of EATING some brownies, WHILE testing this one, hehe, for science and shit.
As with the previous versions, the chocolate was key, and did favor more of a cocoa, and you could almost get the flour and baking soda, especially on the finish, and that was what really separated this one from the rest of the brownie pack. At 4% it was very rich, and full and sweetness was about mid level. Little to no off notes, but there was a slightly dry finish. I’m still not sure if it’s an “off” note or not, as I think it added authenticity to the chocolate being more cocoa focused, than a creamy, or desert chocolate, which again, FITS the brownie profile. This is/was one of the darker flavors, and it did soil the coils a little more than a clear flavor, but nothing out of the ordinary for a daker flavor. 2nd tester in, my wife was growing tired of the “brownie fog” that I was creating. I searched for something, anything I could nit pick about, and the only slight tick off was the ever so slight dry finish. Very accurate brownie, and if you like brownies, and you haven’t tried this one yet, you should. Finishing the 2nd tank, and this review, at a very good 9.5/10.


Cookie Crumble (CAP) 4% (1-20-23) – I love it when you test new flavors, and on the VERY first taste, you immediately think of an identical, or close flavor neighbor. That happened with this one, and it was JOLTING. In a GOOD way. OK, first things first, I did NOT really get a lot of “crumble” is this one, which at first, was disheartening, but what I DID get, was an INSANELY good BUTTAH COOKIE. I was immediately directly comparing this to MB’s …

Butter My Biscuit

Now, you’re probably starting to get confused, right ?? OK, the BUTTER in this one, was off the charts, in your face, buttery delicious. It was almost more of a “Capella’s Butter My Cookie”. It was far more cookie than biscuit, but the #%$^$%*^@# butter was front and center, from beginning to end. Now I did get some slight crumble nuances, but to my tastes, it was almost a deliciously light vanilla cookie, drenched in butter. At 4% it was just damned rich, and full, with a few ticks below mid level sweet. The cookie was fairly non-descript, with maybe some vanilla notes lightly tossed in. Honestly, I just couldn’t get past the butter. Super delicious, but never in an overpowering way. I hope this review challenges you guys to pick it up and post YOUR thoughts on this one. Maybe, just maybe a little crumble, but more so a light, grainy cookie with light vanilla accents, slammed with delicious butter. Scoring this is going to HAVE to be a “two-fer”. As a slamming butter cookie, with some MORE butter, I’d give it a 9.85/10, but as an official “cookie crumble” I would have to push it down to 6.5/10, JUST for the lack of the crumble. NOW, I HIGHLY recommend you pick this up, especially if you like cookies, and butter. Don’t let the lack of the crumble scare you off, embrace the BUTTAH !!!


Does it taste anything like These ???


It’s hard to 100% accurately convey HOW the butter rolls in this flavor @Rocky02852. It’s not just like a simple “Butter in da cookie”, but more of a nice, light vanilla cookie, with some grainy-ness, THEN, and ONRUSH of delicious butter !!!


Sounds just what I’ve been looking for to pair with SSA Shortbread Cookie. Now I gotta pull out my MB BmB, forgot all about that one…