Capella (NEW) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Got mine from BCF today, all single testers mixed up. Some of these smell amazing, looking forward to diving in!


Good stuff @Wyckmix.


I’m waiting for your thoughts on vanilla andddd….custard!!! :tada:


@SessionDrummer. I have this flavor- and love it too!! Question tho… As far as “Crumble…” Which flavor comes to mind that nails that profile. PM if necessary. Xoxo


Well @D.Sims, what did YOU get from the flavor ?


I mixed it into some random mix a month or so ago… No SFT test for me. That shit takes FOREVER!

I will use it tomorrow for soms Butter Cookie recipe, as those are always pretty awesome!! Thanks for the other info too brother! Its appreciated!! :pray::pray:

Edit… Went through my flavor stash- and its not listed. L… I need to run downstairs and look to see if I forgot to enter it, or ANOTHER BCF purchase is required! :rofl:


Creamy Vanilla (CAP 4% (1-21-23) – I’ll admit to wanting to jump RIGHT to this one, but that would have screwed up my process hehe. Diving RIGHT into this one, I did NOT know what to expact. What greeted me at the door, was, dammit, a deliciously creamy vanilla, go figure. I compared it to all of my current CAP Vanillas, and it shared many similarities to their French Vanilla, but with differences. Capella did a GREAT job layering in the creamy base, as it perfectly complimented the Vanilla, and honestly, “Creamy Vanilla” is a much more accurate name, than say a “Vanilla Cream”. The Vanilla never took second place, and was literally blanketed in a velvety smooth, creamy base. It was at mid-level sweet, and perfectly rich @ the 4% testing weight. I could see a LOT of people using this for a myriad of things, most notably when in need of a creamy vanilla without any custard/egg notes. What makes this hard to describe was it WAS incredibly rich, but didn’t present as a custard. Rich, creamy, sweet, and a somewhat complex Vanilla was what this brought to the party, and it did it handily. No off notes, other than a slight dry-ness on the finish. It really was like a rich French Vanilla-ish vanilla that was custard-LIKE, without the custard. Hard to completely convey, but it was a two tank finisher tester for me. If you are looking for, or can use a super rich and creamy vanilla sans the overt eggy custard notes, you should pick this up. As stated, only minor take-offs for a slight dryness on the finish, but spot on accurate to it’s name. Easily a 9.5/10.


That’s good to hear. In the cart !


I didnt even wait- and stuck 2oz in the cart this afternoon. This- and others on the way already! :muscle::muscle:


Fresh Spearmint (CAP) 4% (1-22-23) – As a typical rule, I cannot vape any cooling agents, and also avoid “mints” for fear OF the cooling, BUT, for you guys, I test on. This one did indeed present as a fairly natural spearmint, with no cooling effect (whew). It was not a “mint” or “double mint” but squarely a SPEAR-mint. Throughout both testers, I kept getting an almost two pronged effect with this one. The first was the natural spearmint, with almost green leafy nuances on the start, and the finish morphed into a slightly dryer, almost spearmint oil-ish experience. Not off-putting in any way, and it was interesting as it shifted from one to the other. At 4% it was present, but somewhat relaxed, and almost mid level sweet. The slight dryness on the finish did almost remind me of double mint gum, BUT, this was NOT a double, nor gum. It’s fairly possible it could be pushed higher due to it’s relaxed nature, and even still, it stayed true, and accurate. The “spearmint oil”-ish finish was not off-putting, slightly dry, and did add to the complexity, and authenticity of it. Even NOT being in my typical wheelhouse, it did what it was supposed to do, with no off notes, and in a non overpowering way. Spearing this one @ 8.9/10.


What would lndo Strawberry #1 (CAP) and lndo Strawberry #2 (CAP) be labeled as in ELR?
I tried lndo Strawberry #1 (CAP), lndo Strawberry 1 (CAP), lndo Strawberry V1 (CAP), all to no avail.


Looks like someone already added them @KC111 .


I promise you, they were not there when I first inquired! Thank you to whomever added it to the database!


I believe you, most of these new flavors I have had to add …


A lot of the newer FA flavors are still not added to the database, so I’m just twiddling my thumbs, I know they will eventually :innocent: :blush:


You can do it, will advise when home…


I was told when I enter a new flavor as in a recipe, it will be automatically added to database, but I don’t create recipes, so I will learn someday!


Yeah, that’s all there is to it @KC111. Just make SURE, hehe, you’ve got the right syntax, and just make and save a dummy recipe with the flavors, and BOOM, they’re in there.


Ahhhhh…so I have to be a fake creator and create a fake recipe, hmm, hmmm. So fake it til you make it kind of deal, eh?


Hehe, no no @KC, what I mean is just save a recipe WITH your new target flavors, call it, whatever, “New Flavors Are Fun”, whatever.

ONCE you click save ALL the flavors (new ones) are added. THEN you can go back, and DELETE your “New Flavors Are Fun” recipe, as it’s only purpose was TO inject the new flavors INTO the database.
