Caramel Peanut Butter Smoothie with SuzelleDIY

Hey guys, we followed a video tutorial of SuzelleDIY, we came up with :astonished:

Our Solution
TFA Banana Nut Bread 3%
WF Caramel Butter 2%
TFA Bavarian Cream 1%
FW Yogurt 0.5%

Watch the video and tell me what you would use to create this recipe?


You guys arenā€™t serious right? This is like a parody on one of the more popular Live Mixing shows :rofl:


Your comment is killing me, :rofl::v:t3:. Its a new concept, more lighthearted. Dude, please explain serious mixing to meā€¦ :rofl:


Well for starters, WHERE is the mixing? :smiley:
You guys try to recreate a food recipe that you havenā€™t tried. Youā€™re not using the ingredients from the recipe and like any cook will always taste his cooking to see if the flavors are right, thereā€™s no mixing involved at all.
No peanut butter, no popcorn, 2 very specific flavors that are used and when it comes to the concentrates, youā€™re using flavors that youā€™re not even familiar with? I dunno, it looked like you wanted to take a piss at your regular mixing shows.

Iā€™m sorry if I completely misunderstood your conceptā€¦


I could only get through a couple of minutesā€¦ It would have made more sense (to me) if yā€™all would have watched the recipe first. Then go back through and figure out what to put in it. I agree with @anon28032772 I thought it was a parody.


Thanks for the feedback, I would like to get this concept more mature so appreciate the feedback. We are familiar with the concentrates used, just using untested stuff would make zero senseā€¦ At the end of the video we say the recipe is conceptual, and ask people to let us know how they would approach this kind of profile.

Personally I feel live mixing will almost never pay off, as there is no real variations and testing involved. #90%there :rofl::v:t3:

So this is conceptual collaborative mixing - mixed in with some comedy to make it consumable. Remember, not everyone who mixes are at the same level, so this is not aimed at the top tier.

Thanks for the criticism though, thought I would just give you some insight into my point of view.


Thanks for the feedback, so what you are saying somehow display the actual recipe ingredients first, watch the show - then go back and try to figure out how to replicate it in a e liquid recipeā€¦? If so, I loke that thanks man :raised_hands:t3:


I have to agree with Dan as well. Showing the product youā€™re trying to make without pausing the video and immediately start discussing concentrates would help.

My comment was just based on your comment hereā€¦

The banana nut bread doesnā€™t really give an authentic banana flavor to me, which is what you have in the smoothie. The ā€˜nutā€™ part also doesnā€™t quite replace the peanut butter and popcorn.

And donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not an ā€œexpert mixerā€ myself nor do I need you to be to watch your show. I just could not make out if you guys were really being serious or not. My bad :handshake:


No that we got that out of the way :v:t3::grin:, how would you go about creating this profile?


Again, Iā€™m no expert mixer, Iā€™d probably ping one of the more experienced people to get some ideas :smiley:
But product knowledge is IMO needed so instead of guessing, Iā€™d try the smoothie to have an idea which concentrates to use and how the balance of the flavors is (or try to make something that you already familiar with). Try to work with flavors that are actually in the smoothie or whatever youā€™re trying to recreate.


@Chuck_s as I said the Theo the other day personally I am loving the humour in the last few videos it is sorely needed in the times we are in.


Oh I definitely agree, I did enjoy the video


I must agree with everyone here. That was an enjoyable video to watch. Gonna check out other videos from the uploader now.


@woftam @anon28032772 @delltrapp - thanks for watching and giving me some more ideas. :raised_hands:t3:


(Tfa) Acetyl Parazine 1.25
(Cap) peanut butter 2.5
(Fw) buttered popcorn 2
(Pur) creamy caramel 2.5
(La) banana cream 1.5
(Tfa) sweet cream 1.5
(Cap) super sweet .5


Pur Creamy Caramelā€¦ Sounds yum, what is it like? Have you done some SFT on it? Iā€™m always down for a good caramel.


Best caramel MY opinionā€¦ is flv :stuck_out_tongue:

In fact, Id use mainly all flvā€¦ but then againā€¦ most everyone knows Iā€™d only use flvā€¦
cuz yes I know me I think they are the bestā€¦ ooopsie! :smiley:


Lmao ā€¦ You know i have a boyfriend lolā€¦

V1 concept

TPA Kettle Corn 4
FLV Popcorn .6
FW saltwd Caramel 2
FW butterscotch natural 2
FLV greek yogurt 1
LB VIC 3.5
MF banana .6
Banana Puree 2

I would rather use a MF Caramel MF butterscotch combo instead of the FW , however the FW is easier for most to comprehendā€¦ This is my off the head concept

NOTE off the top of my head concept always resukt in too many flavora lmao


Smoky Smoky hey smoky what you favorite again lmao ā€¦ Fw ? Cap ? Oh FAā€¦ Lmao


bubble gum atm @fidalgo_vapes oh you meant manufacture :stuck_out_tongue: Flavorah!!! :smiley: