Chefs Super Concentrates Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Can’t say they source their flavors from SSA directly, but i’d also bet they source them from Poland. Couple of clues: flavors are top quality, what flavors they actually have + names of those flavors, cheap price, easy logistics, easy regulation-wise.


But… you had tested their Crisp Waffle @SessionDrummer :upside_down_face: :joy: :point_down:
You made me buy it (and i most certainly don’t regret it; it’s irreplaceable flavor imo)


Ahhh shit, wasn’t there ANOTHER Waffle @mikser ?? I thought there was one I was seeing used, that I hadn’t tested.


@Rocky02852, thanks out to @mikser for showing me my review hehe, of the CW, it IS possible that is what they tossed in the Wafer (Waffle Cone).


SSA had this Crisp Waffle from the beginning and then they added Soft Waffle & Waffle with Butter this year.


That must be what I was thinking about. Thanks (as always) for keeping ALL of these reviews straight @Mikser.


Yuzu (CSC) 1.5% (8-13-22) – Finishing out this series, and a huge thanks out to @Leah from Chefs in sending these out for review. This flavor was a great, fresh way to close out this series. Being fairly unfamiliar with Yuzu, it was a fresh flavor to get into. A fairly unique flavor for me, and presented almost like a triple pairing of a Grapefruit, Orange, lightly kissed by a Lemon. What was interesting as none of the three main profiles were dominant, and the overall effect was a perfect, evenly matched paring of the three. The grapefruit notes easily pulled this away from simply being a Lemon Lime, and kept it very interesting from start to finish. Because of the three pairing the grapefruit was hard to nail down exactly, whether yellow, or pink, but probably a mix of the two would be close. The orange notes favored a nectarine primarily, and the Lemon while light, presented as a fresh, natural one. The sum total was perfect at 1.5%, with below mid level sweetness, and was PERFECT for a summertime vape. Just enough sweet, and tart to keep it freshly interesting without too much of either. Fresh, and natural tasting were the two aspects that I continued to get from this one throughout. I could see numerous uses for this one, as it really did span across three different citruses, and with no off-putting notes, and a very fresh, lighter taste, it did so very well. Freshly finishing this series with the Yuzu, and placing it squarely at a 9.5/10.


Great reviews as always mate, thank you very much. I’m wondering if that Strawberry Jam would work well in a strawberry and whipped cream recipe because it has that fluffiness that you described or something similar to Angel Delight.


Thank you @Lucas_James_Holden, and you’re very welcome. As far as the SB Jam,

absolutely it would be much better in that usage.


Wow. Excellent reviews.

I have a question…

Can i use any of these concentrate as solo mixes as a “all in one” recipe?
For example, cheese cake didn’t need anything extra to add into the mix for “CheeseCake only” recipe? And/or green Apple as solo mix? So on…


Thanks very much @aftab1003.


I found quite a few of them, damned fine on their own. Now, what constitutes as a ADV or Single Flavor “good enough” on it’s own, it up to you. Normally I’d have more “bad” ones, at least in a large run, but overall, there were a LOT of great ones.


@SessionDrummer Have you ever tested OoO’s Rainbow Sherbet (Top Shelf)? I think you’d really like that one.


@anon44012888, I actually don’t have that one, and I THINK the only Rainbow Sherbet I’ve ever used/tested is from Liquid Barn. What does OOO’s taste like ??


Awesome work buddy :+1: @SessionDrummer
I’ve got a few on their way, Apple Green (CSC), Rhubarb (CSC) and Hazelnut Cream (CSC) but was gutted they didn’t have Cake (Sponge Cake) (CSC) in stock. I’m still looking for that ‘one’ for a malva pudding.


Heaven in a bottle, it’s such an amazing flavour citrus notes candy but sherbetty


Thank you very much @PapaCHiGLY, very appreciated …


What was the steep time for Mango (CSC) if you remember before use?


@aftab1003 I would start at a week.