Chocolate Fudge Brownie v2 (Smells like a Urinal when vaped)

Title says it all…

Anyone else experienced this unusual smell when vaping the CFBv2 ?

It went in a mix @ 2%…

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Never vaped that one but I can vouch for the fact that chocolates vaped do not smell very good. Seems to be the norm regardless of how good it tastes…

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Thanks for letting me know, my wife and son kept saying “I can smell piss… is it you?” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I haven’t tried any chocolate flavors for DIY because every single one I’ve ever tried retail have had odd muddy tastes. A few did have a pee kind of essence too. The only one that wasn’t horrid was still bad, like too much unsweetened Hershey’s powder in uncooked batter; dry and icky. It’s frustrating because if I could find a few nice chocolate vapes I’d probably loose 20 pounds, lol.


Wow now that sounds awful. I use cap fudge brownie v1 alot and get told i smell like chocolate. It’s def my fav chocolate and the only 1 i use. It does need a sweet cream otherwise it’s to dark flavoured.


<---- Damn glad to be a tobacco flavor lover, at the moment


Haven’t tried the V2 but the regular CAP Fudge Brownie is awesome. Check out my Black Forest Cake …If you want chocolate, lots of possible subs and adaptations (pretty sure the GremlinDIY Chocolate Overload gets some credit :wink: )
3 weeks later this is mighty tasty (super chocolatey!)


Maybe just me , But i get a bad smell off Strawberry (Ripe) over 7% , when its steeping:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

funniest thread ever! if it helps, i have caps chocolate fudge brownie regular and will not use it cause it smells like dirty ass. how about we mix these and create a public toilet vape?

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The worst I have smelled is FA Bilberry, smells like sweaty gym socks, eeeww.

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Yes!!! It’s the most unpleasant smell i have ever come across when vaping

Lol me to but have you smelled inawera cavendish…sssshoooooooo tastes great though