Chocolates "Merci" Marzipan flavour

@Martin7771 welcome to Rue La Flavour. Imagine for a moment you work at the Flavor Factory and you are making the new flavor today …Almond. Your chemical target, that creative result from all your learned expertise is really only an artificial flavor. Perhaps an extract from actual almonds run through chemical analysis for a list of individual chemical compounds at certain %s. You build your artificial new product by combining all those micro component chemicals (or what is close enough in your inventory) and then put it through a flavor testing process …tweak and repeat.

No matter how satisfied you are that your new flavor is spot on “Almond”, in reality it is just a fake almond flavor. Everybody has one as you discovered. Interesting how they all are so different, but you can imagine they each started with the same goal …to get closest to an actual almond in liquid form stable enough to perhaps make a baked cookie.

My little story should clarify how this is all very weird. Smoke and mirrors and culinary opinion, but always fake fake fake artificial flavorings. Chemistry pretending to be Science, but devoid of objectivity. It is pure subjectivity instead where James says his “Almond X” is the only true almond (!) But William assures him it is crap, and exclaims his Almond Y reigns supreme.

In fact both are wrong. Both are selling fake almond extract. Enter Martin, looking for a product he can flavor something to be Almond. Oh we forgot, the winner between James and William is who’s flavor was the cheapest and easiest to manufacture. Congratulations on discovering this for yourself after trying multiple “Almonds” and learning none of them deliver. They are in fact tiny/partial slices of Almond by design. It actually makes them sharper Culinary tools.

That fact is ALL OUR struggle! The boundary between what you desire and what you indeed make real is capital c Colossal …it is Art, not a product on the shelf. Why? Subjectivity. Your desire. Your opinion. Your very ability to taste. No one else can know this, or satisfy that desire. We’re glad to help tho :wink:

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole [Alice in Wonderland reference, not Urban Dictionary] Come on down. I’m making mushroom tea. :cheshire_cat_grin: