Clouds and beer?

Whats your go to flavour to vape when drinking beer or alcoholic beverages? Mines anything mango or mulled cider :beers:

Custard and custard, but I am sure Buttered Naughty Girl would go good as well.

But it looks like no matter what, so far, I vape custards…

Vanillas or Tobaccos with high tannin wines, like a Shiraz, now that’s the shizzle. Not a beer, but ya know. :wink:


Oh yes! Vanilla custard and dark wine.

But that is not beer. Lol


Still counts :ok_hand:

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How about vanilla custard and stout! My fave is a stout. Cream custards go with that too.

My ADV with a Sea Cow stout, or even a Guinness xtra stout, or foreign extra, or even draught. I just like stouts…
And custards.


Oh yeah. Terrapin’s Moo Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout with a good custard.


Chocolate milk stout ay :thinking:


Yes, chocolate milk stout!


Pretty much any breakfast stout. Not fond of Duck Rabbit but it will do.

What the hell is the Chocolate Milk beer you speak of? I must know.


That particular one is seasonal but it is not far from you and I, it is brewed in GA.

Very dark, almost like molasses. Strong like a stout and a nice chocolate flavor that blends perfect with the richness of the beer.

Another good one out of Asheville, NC is Highland’s Black Mocha Stout. :yum:

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I have herd of chocolate rum but not stout have to see if i can get some in Australia


I like stouts but not the real sweet ones. There are a few I have tried that I have to put down. I like them a little drier if that makes sense. The breakfast stout I tried was yuck, but my husband and everyone else loved it.
Im just picky.
Sweet booze can give me the instant headache too, when my husband can drink it all night. Not fair.

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The Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout I bet would be a winner. I’ve had their Oatmel Stout and it is excellent.

Think this recipe would go good with the choc stout

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Perfect! And I miss @Rupert the dude could mix

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There is some interesting drinks on that site cheers tinman will book mark it

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