One could - but things like the Wire Type and Wire Gauge (may) have to change when one is changing any one of the other (independent, input) variable values. Do you see the inherent conceptual problem there ?
The sweet spot is the power within the workable range that provides the best vape experience.
Oh jeez. … The “Vape Tool” developer really, really wants our $3 license fees desperately, it seems …
… depends on various things (quite hard, and potentially additionally unsafe, to make generalizations about).
I like it better than Steam Engine. Perhaps you should give it a look.
As for the resistance being a pre-defined value, such as forced to do in Steam Engine, if I choose my wire values and decide what resistance I want ahead of time what good does 6.37 wraps (just a random example) do for me? I prefer to build my coil in the tool and then see what the resistance comes to. If I don’t like the result I choose a diameter up or down, adjust the leg length, or choose a different wire all together.
Indeed. Since we need to use integer numbers of turns only (if the leads from the coil extend in opposite directions), and use “half-turn values” (if the leads from the coil extend in the same direction), it would be nice to be able to specify those particular number of turns, and see what the resulting Resistance turns out to be. Agreed. However, “leg length” (for given build-deck) is not something that can be “tweaked” (much).
I see that it is an Android “phone app” only. I only have a desktop computer system to use. No phone.
Developer had better be cautious in making (accurate ?) data-tables of these (safety-critical) parameters:
“Would you like to know Min. Resistance and Max Vape Current for every 18650 battery ?”
Important: Other than if/when in the (for Mods often uncommon) genuine “bypass” operation, the average electrical Current as well as the (composite) coil-load Resistance that batteries themselves “see” depend upon the internal power requirements of the device itself, as well as depending upon operational efficiency of the DC-to-DC conversion circuitry, using various user-settings, and using various coil load Resistances.
A “sweet spot” would also (seemingly) imply a known to be “safe spot”. Yet - unless the application also employs accurate real-world test data characterizing the devices that are considered (in addition to real-world battery data, such a conducted by “The Mooch”, etc), there exists the possibility of (potentially unsafe) variations existing that (as Resistances decrease, and battery currents increase) could (possibly) be risky.
I use vape tool and it’s pretty much spot on if you specify the wire type, what size rod and desired watts to run it… havent had any major issues. At least so far.
i use 24k1 a lot and off top of my head that resistance for single coil comes from 2x twisted and reasonable 5 wrap 3mm coil. Twisting is easy and dont need a drill but is easier.Gl to u!
When I saw people start with their crazy super low builds (check @Pro_Vapes posts on his Ti builds) , I stopped worrying about my own and build what gives me a nice vape. I’ve got to say though that I don’t and won’t use mechs. Want some power, use bigger mods or that’s my motto anyways. If you do use mechs, be sure you grasp the knowledge to build coils with the exact resistance you want and need.
I’m using SS or Ti because the other metals give me a strong metallic flavor and both are in the very low ohm zone.
My usual 7-wrap 2x26g core fused clapton comes out just around 0.28ohm. My feeling says for a single 24g wire in SS it’ll be around the same. Kanthal being more resistant, you’ll need less wraps, so probably a 4 or 5 wrap will get you in that neighborhood. All talking about 3mm id.
I don’t check steam-engine all that much anymore nowadays. A little more, a little less, as long as the vape is good, I’m happy. Ohm’s law doesn’t really apply on regulated mods, the mod will just send to the coil what it can and that’s it.
This is extremely bad advice
The mod does not protect you from reaching or passing the battery CDR (continuous discharge rating) since the mod has no way of measuring or knowing the battery CDR. Ohms law still applies to regulated mods to ignore it is foolish in the extreme.
I never said you shouldn’t have proper batteries. They should always match the power you ask from them.
So if you ask a regulated mod to give 45W and your battery has 3.2V in it, it will send out about 15.5A (taking efficiency into calculation). Whatever coil you put on there, is not going to change the output of your power.
Boy did YOU open a can 'o worms!
Yeah, I think @authormichellehughes has a point here guys.
I mean the OP was …
For many of us, deep diving with Ohms Law is fine, but for many people, perhaps Michelle, just lay it out simple style, with no hassles, which will allow her TO enjoy and get what she needs, without all the mathy sciencey crap.
LOL and boy did I figure out this was WAY over my head
I buy premade coils for my little mtl RDA and I think for me that’s the smartest idea cause all this stuff seriously has me scratching my head.
Well “our” job SHOULD be to read the room. We should have just asked you, what gauge wire and type (single wire or multi wire) and just hooked you up, as opposed to dumping you into the deep end, like you were aiming to be a pro coiler/builder. Sometimes TOO much info can overload people, and they just give up, quit, or move onto something else.
Session no worries. I honestly wanted to know how to make a coil read 0.29 to match a coil that I’m using in my tobecco tank now so I could do an RDA build instead of just using the tank for it. I had no idea it was that complicated.
Not getting one’s face blown off, or their house burnt down, relies on “mathy sciencey crap”. Sad, but true.
On the reasonable assumption that Michelle is not desiring the above scenarios, care was taken - and (given the info that was provided by her) #24 Kanthal (single wire coil) was determined to evidently not be a viable approach (unless one wants to wind 3-turn coils). Help was requested, and I would say was received.
I would rather stake my own safety on Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws than on gut-feel “belly slapping” …
Oh come on guys, this is no social crisis. Note even a tricky day.
I do use a regulated device and I found the premade coils I was looking for all is good
OK now for some show and tell. To break it up.
I just use SS to keep it simple. Little Fishing Tackle case with 6 coil compartment each divided into 2 sections. So I make 12 different kinds of wires and have cheat sheets for wrappping the coils in different ID’s and # of Wraps for all of them - find it pretty quick and easy, to change coils out.
Guess this could go into the little things that make it easier thread But it here now. Not real pretty coils but they work and I like the flavor from them