Coil Building Wire Choices

you can get just 30 feet also or up to 1000 feet its good ss to


I get all of my wire at lightning vapes but to be honest has a much better selection of SS wire

I only use SS wire now great flavor and easy to clean by heating red hot and rinse the crud off re-wick and keep using. I normally get a month or more from my coils.


Okie doakie non smokie ! thanks

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LOL no problem glad you are liking building you own coils.


Sorry @Amy2 , just now catching up on the post and your progress! Wow , you are doing great much better than the results I was getting my first month.
I think I included some SS316L in 28 ga., I havenā€™t checked on steam engine but you should be able to get to 1.4 -1.5 with an additional wrap or two.


You are most correct sir ! on the wire and the wraps that is what I ended up using, and thank you.


From a Vapemail suggestion I looked over at Advanced Vape Supply. They had a SS coil tutorial which looks pretty cool


I use their wires and some of the prebuilt coils. Really clean and good quality stuff. Claptons and Fused Claptons are tight winds and the prebuilt coils are pretty spot on. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


bump So I decided to switch to SS and bought LightningVapes pre-made Clapton spool. Someone posted afterwards that it was wrapped with Kanthal ā€¦I probably would not have purchased if I knew that. Turned out badly. Vaped great, great product but I can taste the metal in Kanthal ā€¦like sucking on a nail (iron?)

I wanted to switch from Ti because of the inability to dry burn. I just wanted a coil that didnā€™t have that taste and I could dry burn. Looks like Iā€™m back in the SS316L Clapton making business (looking at KidneyPuncher) question: Is there anyone that makes 100% SS Clapton spools.

Meanwhile, I have the Ti down. 6 wraps 24ga dual running at 0.10 ohms. Plus I bought 50feet for $11, so thatā€™s quite a few coils (just toss em). ā€¦still 100% SS seems itā€™d be ideal.

Here is some that I have found.

I havenā€™t tried it as I plan to just wrap some myself. I bought my 36 gauge SS wire from Kidney Puncher and other gauge SS I bought previously from Lightning Vapes. I will get all my wire from Kidney Puncher from now on.


I have my first order from advanced vapor supply coming in today. I did the pick 5 deal. Sure alittle spendy, but compared to me trying to make my own and wasting a ton of wire itā€™s pretty cheap.

Stalking the usps guy now. I canā€™t use it yet because I had to mail my mod back to the place I got it and donā€™t have another dual battery mod.

But I may still toss a build in my rda for giggles.

So far processing and shipping was really fast. I ordered late in the day Saturday and Iā€™ll get it today.


I have used both of these wires from this seller , I canā€™t tell the flattened is any better flavor wise but it is easier to wrap on certain attys.

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Hey will u help me then please? Iā€™m like really new to coil buildingā€¦, I know nothing about itā€¦, always used sub_ohms until I saw the wotofo profile with the mesh stripsā€¦, got it & I didnā€™t really have to do much, bend the mesh, insert the cotton, juice it up & itā€™s at .18ohmsā€¦ Iā€™ve been used to this setup for about 3yrs. now & Iā€™ve wanted to start buildingā€¦ just single coils for now, but I have really no idea how to get what I want exactlyā€¦ from what Iā€™ve saw, (& I donā€™t know for certain) if I need 20AWG KA1 or whatā€¦ please help;(ā€¦

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Old thread brother. But if you want to build single wire coils, Iā€™d recommend 22g - 26g wire. Kanthal is simple to work with and many prefer that. Personally I find that I can taste the wire. SS316L is my go to and in my opinion, offers the cleanest flavor, NI80 is a good middle ground between the two. Titanium is very clean, but you have to do a little reading on proper cleaning and usage. Itā€™s the only one that MUST be used in TI temp mode or risk it igniting. Of course, coiling tools are a plus and relatively cheap.
I like using 24g and 26g for the majority of my builds. Never been a big fan of the 22g.


If you have Android device download an app called Vape Tool. Itā€™s a calculator for ohms law.
I like to build my coils in .40 ohm + -range. So a duo coil will come in around .20. depending on ID and number of wraps. Depending on your build deck ( how much room you have between posts ).
Material you use is up to you. Some people taste metallic with Kanthol. I donā€™t. Easy to work with. NI 80 cleaner taste. Easy to work with. Stainless 316 cleanest taste. Wire is stiffer and more springie when wind your coil.
Any coil wire you choose is up to you. I personally donā€™t buy any wire larger than 26ga and often use 28ga for cores. 36- 38-40ga for clapton wraps.
Play with the calculator and change the wire types and gage till you find the ohm you choose to vape at. Itā€™s a free tool if you donā€™t mind a few commercials.


Just my opinionā€¦I think for new builders 26g kanthal is the perfect middle of the road wire to start with.


Thank u allā€¦, my olā€™ lady got me a coilmaster kit to start, so I downloaded the VapeTool app & have played around with it & the only thing tht Iā€™ve made come out is .37ohms 24AWG Kanthal a1ā€¦ I played with it & over & all I can figure is I need like 20AWG IDK;(ā€¦


But the calculator puts it at like .49ohmsā€¦

& whatā€™s up with steam engine calc.? It says Iā€™ll get 2/3 wraps for .18 ohm & I guess itā€™s saying the power needs to be like 8W wtf?? This shit has me puzzled? I want the .18 Iā€™m used to


Have you told the calculator that you will be using two coils? The resistance of .49 ohms will come down to .245 in a duo coil install.
Want to lower that ohms in Kanthol? Change your wire to 26ga or 28ga. Simple 4 core twisted 28ga 3mm ID 5 wraps duo coil will get you to . 188 ohms.


If youā€™re trying to match a wrapped coil to that of a mesh strip, youā€™re going to have a difficult time. Even though they are the same material the experience is completely different. Even if you were to match them up in identical ohms.
I would suggest a 0.5 ohm coil, 24g 6/5 wrap on 3mm ID for single coil. or dual coils for a 0.25 ohm build. Maybe try going with a 2.5mm ID (7/6 wraps) and spacing the coil to get more coverage on your wick. You can try both spaced and contact coils and see which you prefer.
I would also try @rcleven 's suggestion and go with a 26g build.
Youā€™ll find that there is a difference between wrapped and strip coils, both with their pros and cons and never identical to each other.