It stands for Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. Here are some images from Google to help you out:
There is also RTA and RDTA which are rebuildable tanks.
It stands for Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. Here are some images from Google to help you out:
There is also RTA and RDTA which are rebuildable tanks.
Ok cool, so do you think I should use one of them in a boro tank? And would it stop the brown juice?
In all honesty i cant really answer that as i dont know what a boro is, i know they are popular but that is about it.
It is likely that it is the juice itself that is browning the liquid, RDAs/RTAs just make it easier to swap out coils and MUCH cheaper than buying premade coils.
Look all im saying is know the difference. Brought is not the past tense of buy. Your english ancestors would be rolling in their graves right now.
Im not trying to be mean but i see it on facebook and it blows my mind people dont know the difference. I just cant deal with seeing it here.
Sorry if it’s affected you I just struggle with spelling and words
@JustDot_Sam brown juice sucks for sure. I’ve tried to read ^^^^ but lots of posts makes it hard.
With your Vandy Vape AIO, were you using the PRE-built coils, or the Rebuildable ones ?
If you’re using the PRE-built it can be a little harder to nail down, as you won’t really (maybe) be able to actually LOOK at them, and see if they’re gunked up from too much sweetener. If you’re using your OWN coils, and the Rebuildable deck, you can TOTALLY look at, and take pics of the actual coils for us.
As mentioned above, I strongly suspect heavily sweetened juices, are “gunking” up your coils, with dark, almost carbon deposits on your coils, which tastes like crap, and can leach back into your juice and turn it dark.
I don’t think your “torching” your juice with the VV AIO as it’s not really high powered, but in high powered, dual batt (or more) you can actually TORCH your juice, by vaping it WAY too hot, and have similar results.
Now on to this topic. I had to help the guy at the vape shop with his. When the coil is in you need a large spacing between the coil and the airport. Get it as high as you can. If not the coils will not cool rapidly and will burn your the juice into the cotton and it gunks the coil. Putting it far down its going to burn quickly.
What is the pretense version of entitled?
Its not your fault bud its seems everyone in england does it. Mostly northeners love the word brought
I didnt even know those things were rebuildable, now i want to check one out.
Don’t worry @JustDot_Sam, @Psycho_316 is a good guy, and he knows a lot.
Store bought, and/or “Commercial” juices typically (not always) can contain a SHIT LOAD of sweetener, and can and WILL junk/gunk up basically ANY coils. Pre-built coils, hand built, you name it.
When @Ken_O_Where was asking you about RBA (Rebuildable being the key here), …
The guy had the same problem with his vv aio. And use ss or nichrome wire. Using kanthal will make it worse. I built him fused claptons with ss core with a nichrome wrap and he had no issues
I’m just using the push in coils pal
Buy some round ss wire and use that in it. But the spacing needs to be enough the airflow can keep the coils clean as the airflow is right under the coil. Picture it like a rta. The coils are high off the airports. Now when you restrict it by lowering them the cotton gets gunked. So by keeping the coil higher you allow the coil to keep coil as it fires and vaporizes the juice.
I’ll look into this thank you
Yes the vv aio comes with a boro thats a rebuildable and one with a factory coil
It does yes would I best to set that up and use that?
You will save yourself a a lot of headaches. Keep the height above the airport at about 3.5-4.5 mm. To gauge it take two pound coins lay them flat and set it up at 1 and a half pound coins and adjust upwards as needed
I would say yes if you want to use it with no issues. Get some roundwire then go back to it and play with it. But you will banging your head against the wall trying to get it right. He was aggravated to the point he almost gave up on it.