Combining Tasting Note Companies

Hey guys. I was just wondering what you all thought about me combining all the notes for certain companies into single threads? Each company would get a thread kind of like in the vendor section. More general threads would stay as is. And since I’m on a poll kick today, here’s another poll!

  • Yes, company threads would be better. This place is chaos.
  • No, I like the way it is. People should learn how to search.

0 voters


I like that idea!

1 Like

Yes, I like going to a venders thread to read posts. I also enjoy being able to read & research others reviews on a flavoring companies thread. I.E. Real Flavors (SC) for example


…selfless and diligent as always, YOU! :innocent:

p.s. …love your new avitar/profile pic! :sunglasses:


Yes! Great idea! It would also be great if you could search keywords inside the tread. even if the key words were just hi-lighted. To be able to enter a tfa thread, and search “strawberry” would be very helpful.


Being able to search keywords in a thread would be Outstanding!


You already can do that. When you go to the search icon tick the box that says ‘search this topic’


Not quite the same thing, I mean after entering a thread, you can further search by entering key words. Unless I’m doing something wrong, the “search this topic” button does not do that.

1 Like

It does for me lol


@DrChud Can you enter “real Flavor tasting notes”. And then search for all the strawberry notes?


Yes indeed. I just went into that thread and entered ‘strawberry’ and it pulled up every time the word was mentioned


Hahahahahahaha, well shit!! Thanks! You just saved me some time…I’m gonna go hang my head in shame now. :smile:


Can I take credit for that feature now?. :grin:


Lol, yes you can. Everyone thank @DrChud for this awesome new feature!
Thanks DrChud!!!


How about each manufacturer/brand gets it’s own sub category and all the individual flavor threads go into the brand’s sub category?


OMG! It works :smile: ROFL! I had never actually paid attention to the little click box before :slight_smile: Thanks @DrChud for that :raised_hands:


I answered that I like how it is but maybe I don’t understand the question. We have vendor’s threads already don’t we? Not all of them but we have RF, Flavorah, Purilum. But it’s also nice to see comparative threads like Coffee and Peach where the pros and cons of flavors from different companies are discussed.


As it is right now, there are multiple threads for every manufacturer for different flavors. So there’s a thread for FA Raspberry, another for FA Mango, etc. What I propose is to combine all threads about FA flavors into one “FA” thread, all TPA flavor reviews into a “TPA” thread, and so on. Threads that are discussing things like “What is the best strawberry?” will stay separate.


I love the work that you’re doing here JoJo. ELR in general needs a big clean-up and anyone contributing to this deserves a bit of applause for it!

Would really love to see a doc or page on ELR like the published HIC’s FA flavor notes, instead of a topic or thread in the forums. This would be so handy, especially for beginning mixers but I recon it would be something great for more experienced mixers as well. One place for all flavors in a structured, organized way.

Especially beginning mixers will come with questions like “What is the best flavor?” and we all know that there’s no answer. Flavor notes can really explain in a lot more detail what the differences are. Even though taste is subjective, good flavor notes can help a lot. Most flavors have been reviewed already in a good way, but the notes are scattered all over the place at the moment.

But again, your efforts on this are HUGELY appreciated! :+1:


So it was written, so it has been done.

Thanks @Jake31 . I think that is a little more than I’m willing to take on at the moment, but I’ll keep it in mind. There are over 3400 posts in the Flavor Tasting Notes subcategory. Going through and extracting just the notes would take some time. For now, people can search the subcategory for specific flavors or can search the threads themselves for flavors by a specific company. At least there’s a little bit more organization going on in there now. :stuck_out_tongue: