Common chemicals to clear our pallette/taste-buds?

Water…Ice Cold water works for me …I think for me what happens is my mouth getd dry so then the taste is off after drinking some ice cold water then take a hit from vape the flavor is always so clear…Althiugh its not a chemical it does work for me andither thing that works for me is a Glass Of Lemonade


What works for me is a tablespoon of lemon juice in maybe 2 ounces of water. After using a toothbrush to brush your tongue. Just kind of gargle it and swish your tongue around in it, in your mouth, not in the glass…that’d just be silly.

You don’t want to swish it around your teeth so much. You also don’t want to do it very often. It’s very acidic (duh :smirk:) and bad for the enamel of your teeth. It’ll wear away the enamel and weaken your teeth.


Ring.that’s the hard part hey - brushing your tongue: I tried and can do the front, but as soon as I try to brush the sides or back half I instantly gag every time.

I’m sure that’s just a healthy gag reflex but it’s fn annoying.

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Totally natural, have you tried coughing while you do it…? It may stifle the gag reflex… It works for some people… Others it just makes them vom…lol


No I haven’t, but I will … worth a shot since I know that actually brushing my tongue would do a better job clearing my tastebuds than any gargling would…

Wonder why food itself doesn’t make us gag every we’re eating… it’s only when you deliberately mess around with your tongue it seems to happen :thinking:


Drink enough of them and who cares what you taste :smile:


black coffee vape binge is what I do


You mean like, vape black coffee flavoured liquid, or binge black-coffee while you’re also chain-vaping?

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Black coffee flavored eliquid I do it 30mls at time life of a coil for me


That’d mean a dedicated tank for coffee,… which I’ve got a bottle of, but I’m so into the creamy/custardy flavours at the moment I don’t wanna vape coffee :frowning:


I know what you mean. Try sticking your tongue out as far as possible, it’s much better that way. No gagging.


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Now you made me google fu this. It seems that taste testers use different methods depending on what they’re test tasting. Here’s just a few and then some disagree or have other means. Too damn complicated and time consuming for me, lol.

Professionals in the field always use plain bread and wash it down with water to cleanse their palettes . It should be a small amount of bread or crackers. After eating the piece of bread, wash it down with plain, unflavored water, and continue on to the next wine. Avoid drinking carbonated or spring water