Community Recipe Kick Around

I think that FW has a really good Amaretto. I’ve mixed that with LB VIC, Marshmallow, and Marzipan to create a Amaretto Ice Cream. You could also try a toasted rice, Inw Biscuit or maybe a little bit of cereal mixed with almond for the crispies on the ice cream bar. Most almond flavors like FA Almond are fairly creamy. I know of 3-4 toasted almonds. CAP, TPA , OOO and FW.


Lb ice cream can work. For the cheaper ice cream bar types i like to go with a softer ice cream though like ssa ice cream vanilla or tpa van swirl.

The ff amaretto i used is def the right amaretto almond note in the good humor ( no cherry note) but so far it seems pretty weak its just barely noticable. How is that FC amaretto i got from you? Does Fw have a cherry note? I havent tried it in like 15 years. Next time i make a order ill pick up a few amarettos. I remember cap amaretto being one of my gotos. I think its discontinued now.

The outside crumble isnt crispy so no rice. If i had to describe it best i would say a soft dense sugary sweet cake that melts in your mouth and kinda buttery like vanilla oreos soaked in milk and sugar mixed with soft sugar cookie.


Yep the Cap amaretto has been discontinued I looked everywhere for it. I do not believe that FW Amaretto has any cherry notes, but that’s from my notes (keep it low under 1%. Now in comparison FW Almond Amaretto has a lot of cherry notes. The WF Amaretto carries a weird citrus note. FLV Amaretto Sour is good but seems like a lighter flavor. I never tried the TPA Almond Amaretto though I’ve heard it’s good.


First thing I thought too @Sevencasper and they were one of my favourite ice creams when I could still have sweet stuff.



Another one!


Gokden gaytime is made by good humor. That Kroger one is just a knock off.A bunch of suoermarket chains have knockoffs. From what i read Good Humor started in 1920. In 1958 good Humor brought it to Australia under the Golden Gaytime name. Im guessing since then they have sold that division to Streets company unless they own Steets company i am not sure. In the 1950s they expanded like crazy making like 10x the amount of trucks and branching out internationally all over the world


“Streets released the first Golden Gaytime in 1959 and the humble ice cream quickly became an Aussie summer staple throughout the Swinging Sixties.”

Sorry, it’s an Aussie thing as streets was an Australian company back then.

"In 1920, Edwin ‘Ted’ Street, with the help of his wife and brother, laid the foundations for what would ultimately become Australia’s biggest ice cream manufacturer* . Ted began by hand churning frozen custards in his back shed in Corrimal, NSW."

Streets is an Australian ice-cream brand bought by the British multinational company Unilever in 1960.


I dont know about streets but those bars specifically are franchised around the world from good humor unilever corpThats why they carry the heartland logo on the box. Same as in other countries. Its a pretty entangled thing it looks like


The “Heartland Brand” logo is from Unilever who didn’t take over Streets until a year after the Golden Gaytime was released. Not sure if it was a collaboration or what, but Unilever is a UK brand, not a US one so they possibly took over “Good Humor” at some stage too…

“It is part of Unilever’s ice cream brand Heartbrand.”


Yes the more i look ,it looks like Unilever bought like every ice cream company around the world lol.They are all subsidiaries of Unilever now.

Unilever aquired Good Humor in 1961


Still working on that recipe i posted. Its a really really good vape and def in the ballpark of toasted almond but needs some tweaking. I think im on the right path with amaretto i just gotta pick up a better one. The cakey outside is still what i cant nail. Im getting a little too much frosting note and it has a cake note but it needs to be sharper and darker. Im thinking instead of the ssa shortbread i used which is pretty soft ill try inw biscuit or noms shortbread and possibly add some simply cake or ooo cornbread


Great news @STR8V8PING Unilever is cutting ties with Ice Cream, and going back to soaps, etc …


Just another evil megacorp


Well they’re still eveil, BUT, they’ve seen the light that Ice Cream, just costs too much, and the profit margins aren’t there. Back to soaps, shampoos, and other consumables for their eveilness.


I winder who will be next to own all the ice cream industry. Maybe Monsanto or all new Bayer ice cream lol