Concentrate expiration?

Hello, I have a lot of unused flavors and have realized I have even more that I will never use.
But some have gotten darker and I do know eventually they expire.
So what is the point you toss these?


Your going to have to test them to know for sure. Most likely majority are fine u less you left them open , exposed to sun light.


I have some from 2011 that are still good. Most flavorings dont really go bad. Some may loose a little potency but thats about it


@ladycrooks you might also consider paying it forward rather than throwing them out. Anyone would be glad to pay shipping for free flavors. Especially for ones they might not be able to get.


My understanding is they don’t “go bad” they just lose their normal flavor. You can’t really go by the color. They have some concentrates that are black. Please consider paying them forward to someone instead of throwing them away. If someone needs, I’ll pay shipping within reason for someone.

Welcome back BTW!


Hi @ladycrooks and welcome back!

As far as I’m concerned it’s the same, I agree, for example I have a ColaSoda TPA whose aroma is now a sort of strange cinnamon; I’m still using it, when needed, not as a Cola but for what it’s now.


I have some from 2018 since I started mixing, all still good as new but I keep them in at the bottom of my fridge in a giant tupper ware thing. But I only keep under 200 flavors so they all fit perfectly. Fridge really keeps them fresh for a long time. Cold dark room storage would be second best.


There really is no point, ive tossed quite a few over the past 4-5 yrs.Now i do a lot more research before purchases where i use to buy them cuz the pic looked good lol.
Quality over Quantity for now on and stick to profiles less risky

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Be carefull with that. I did that once with a bunch of flavors in the fridge and i had some lemons rot in there and it like leeched that smell into all the flavors so i had to toss them. A dark cool space is fine for flavors


thanks, so far so good. I keep an eye on my fridge pretty well. I did however notice a few would crystalize so I took them out


Some flavors crystalize even in a drawer

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Ive used a mini fridges since 2016 and i never have had a flavor go bad…I keep the fridges set to the warmest setting which is about 55 degrees f

Yes flavor crystalize but only a handful , usually the ones with a high content of EM or Acetyl Pyrazine…

Tpa Malted Milk
Tpa acetyl pyrazine
Inw Shisha Vanilla

FlV popcorn doesnt crystalize but something goes solid

These are the biggest offenders but warm water fixes it quick


Yes it does! What amazes most the flavors crystalized into perfect triangle’s.

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Im not sure you read my response right. I didnt mean they go bad. If you have a dedicated fridge your fine. Im just saying if you have any food go bad in your fridge they can taint the flavors.

I dont think iv ever had one crystalize as much as that ssa crisp waffle. That thing is civered in crystals in my drawer.

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I did not see the food part , i have dedicated fridges …I would NEVER store my flavors in a fridge where food is. That temp is too low and the food prob i couldnt imagine


Of course the SSA have not made it yo the fridge i need another one . I have been reorganizing though and they will all be in soon.

How big are your fridges lol. You must have like 1000 flavors

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They are 5 c ft minis with no freezer and i have 4 of them…I am very close to 3000 flavors and still missing some sometimes lmao smfh

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your sketching me out now lol, I live in a small apartment and have no AC in the summer so fridge or humidity are my only flavor options. I’m gonna get a new fridge storage container with a lid that will fit them all. But I never let anything go bad in my fridge. I’m pretty good with that kind of stuff.


You will be ok either way. Iv honestly never seen a flavor go bad even in a light humid place. At most it loses some potency faster