I started testing e-cig’s in 2008. Initially, it was those short cigarette-look-alikes that didn’t last long and weren’t refillable. Chinese rubbish, although I have to admit flavor wise, they were a match for my marlboro reds, but throat hit and nicotine amount were a bit miserable.
So much more than a gimmick, it was not. Availability was a problem as Amazon stopped selling them pretty fast after I received the first ones.
The next try was around 2011 or 2012. My wife doesn’t smoke, has asthma triggered by smoke and we were driving long distances by car… I needed something to keep my addiction cool so I got myself a slightly bigger vapor pen which was refillable. It was rechargeable and lasted a couple hours before having to charge it for 5 hours or so. It was a good in between but seriously, not a replacement for my addiction.
I was used to small cigarettes in handy packs and walking around with a big fat mod wasn’t what I had in mind so there was no way these things could stop me from vaping.
After a short while, the liquid started to melt the plastic, it started leaking and replacement parts weren’t very cheap. In other words, inconvenience, not the greatest vaping experience and price kept me on cigs.
However, I kept having one or 2 of these things at hand, basically just for use in the car with my wife. It sure did make things a lot easier and didn’t require me to stop so often in frustration to have a smoke in the cold, rain and wind. My wife also appreciated me not smelling of smoke so she didn’t get as sick in the car anymore. They also worked great for stealth vaping on a plane, but ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone 
So far, all juices I vaped had been tobacco flavors. One better than the other, but they all had a bit of a funky taste, a sweetness I didn’t appreciate at all and I would long for a real smoke with a real smoky flavor.
Then in october 2016, I said F$% it and bought a mod with rechargeable 18650 and 2 different juices. One was tobacco again, and again I had issues with its flavor. But since the mod finally produced a decent amount of vapor, I got the throat hit, I got the nicotine delivery I was looking for, and it did the trick.
However, I also asked for a different flavor when I bought the mod. Vanilla must be my all time favorite flavor I could never live without, so I asked the shop for the very best, naturally tasting Vanilla juice and they gave me a juice from the California Vaping Company that tasted like a real home made vanilla bean extract, natural, clean, strong and I was sold. I barely even touched the tobacco juice I bought as well. From that day, I quit smoking while my only intention was to have a satisfying vape when driving with my wife.
Even though your wife may be looking for her tobacco flavor, it might be that something else that satisfies her will do the trick, just like it did with me. You have to find a juice, a quality flavor profile that she really enjoys.
Tobaccos are popular flavors with vapers, but you’re never going to get that authentic smoking experience from a vape. Replacing one flavor with another one that your wife even loves more will do the trick, it’s just a matter of finding which flavor that is.
Having her work as a flavor tester while you’re mixing is obviously an ideal situation. One day you’re going to mix up something that she really likes, and if you have a decent mod/dripper/tank/whatever she prefers ready for her to take, she may be sold and leave her fags aside.