Coupon! for base... 10 char

Completely forgot… but I did get this in mail, only noticed it today… take advantage if you want…
Excellent company…

Completely forgot about this site… Oppsie!
Use coupon code: [10NYE2020} for 10% off your order 49.99 or more
Use coupon code 20NYE2020 for 20% off 199.99 or more… Valid thru Sunday Jan 5th…


Like essential depot the shipping kills any potential savings, river supply still comes out cheaper with an order over $50 and shipped free. Thanks for posting though, hopefully someone closer can benefit :+1:


They do have other things on site… I do perfumes and tried my hand with soaps…
I just do not use Nic River for anything at all. :slight_smile:


I can’t vape perfumes and soaps anymore, made my farts smell like potpourri :crazy_face:

Just pointing it out to others in case shipping dents the deal for them too :+1:


Ya, I was excited to see such a good deal until I found there is no deal for shipping. Then I left it in the cart and got no less than 3 emails telling me to come git my stuff. I got to admit, that drives my crazy. I had to go back and delete it so I wouldn’t get any more emails.

I’ll keep an eye on the site though. They may do shipping deals in the future.


That particular tactic almost guarantees I won’t place an order with a company. :rage:


I quite often try this with a new company and sometimes they drop you a 10% coupon to come git it. But 3 emails is a little over the top.


Lucky. I’ve never had that happen! lol


Dash vapes in Canada do and a few others (it my not be economical to order from CA tho).


It’s actually a trick that works wonders sometimes. A lot of shops will send nag mails when you leave stuff in your cart and add an additional coupon to persuade you.

So if there’s something you really want to buy, it often pays off to let it sit in your cart a day or 2 before you actually check out.

And, there are also some browser extensions (like e.g. “honey”) that actively search, find and apply coupons codes at checkout.

update: ah, should’ve continued to read, woftam already said the same :smiley:


Yep. @HealthCabin will send a 5% coupon.

I put that VG in the cart because I was hoping to have some cash later but I just erased it and said forget it.

I agree. I could deal with one and maybe two but not three.


It annoys me because I often put stuff in the cart as a reminder rather than immediate purchase. Like maybe a birthday gift idea or something. Kills me when I navigate to a different page and instantly get an email notification. And of course, sidebar ads and crap suddenly feature the item I was just carting on every page with any ad. As if they don’t realize we all know their little game.


There’s always this at the bottom of those emails…

Or if you want to keep them but not have them clog up your inbox:

Filter them, put them in a label and archive them.


I believe dashvapes offers free shipping over 35$ For North America


I know. The thing is, I am not a subscriber and sometimes they don’t care so I usually mark it as spam but then google will spam “similar” emails.

what does that do?


I believe it will automatically place them in archive so you don’t have to deal with them in your inbox.


Filtering is just an automatic search and select. Once you’ve set your parameters (by keyword, sender, subject, etc), you can decide what you want to do.

When you click, Create Filter, you get the following screen

It’s all pretty self-explanatory I think.

I’ve got labels set up in my gmail. It behaves a little like folders but it’s different in that it’s just a label or a tag you put on the email. You can tag/label emails with different labels and only when you archive an email, it will be hidden from your inbox (but still visible in the labels that you’ve tagged on them).
You can have a similar directory structure with labels as with regular file folders, but labels are a lot more powerful. In any case, if you’re not familiar with the terminology of gmail, just look at them like folders and you’ll get familiar with the behavior of them fast enough.


I got an email from them too regarding my cart but got a coupon, $3 off a 29.95 purchase. Haven’t checked if I got anymore, I am waiting for the FREE SHIPPING if you check out now email :grin: