I like, but should I be surprised the writer of this article didn’t bother to do enough research?

Surprised? No. Disappointed? Probably.

That being said, they could have been a lot harsher and more propagandist. What they said is essentially true. We don’t really know the LONG TERM effects of vaping. While I’d love for everyone in the media, especially the ‘alternative’ media like Cracked, to be pro-vaping, I think it’s more realistic to hope for just that…a realistic point of view. I stand by the opinion that putting vaping out there as harmless and perfectly safe is just as bad as putting them out there as being dangerous. I think they did a better job of being unbiased than a lot of articles I’ve seen on both sides of the debate.

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No, you shouldn’t be surprised at all. So many people - on a level that is shocking - so desire to be the smartest person in the room. They don’t need sound logic, empirical evidence, or advanced education. So long as they can sound knowledgeable or, in the case of many of these pseudo-geniuses, link to some official sounding study, they get their nanner-nanner-boo-boo-I’m-smarter-than-you fix. The internet provides people like that the perfect medium to massage that part of their psyche.

I mentioned in another thread that I’m old school. So perhaps my next statement will come across as old school, or even old fart. If a person wants to be taken seriously they’ll do their best to watch spelling and grammar, and won’t litter their articles with those gratuitous swears. It doesn’t bother me (well, except for that last one which comes across more like a 4 year old stomping her foot and going wah! ) but to me it lends less credibility, regardless of eloquent style or good grammar.


That’s true. He could have been harsher. The problem I have is why he brought up diacetyl at all. It’s a non issue as there have been 8 reported cases of popcorn lung. All were working in a popcorn factory. Also there is lots more diacetyl in cigs and nobody ever had a problem because of it.


I agree. It’s the one thing that anti-vapers keep coming back to…“But DIACETYL!! ZOMG devils!!1!1” It’s stupid. Top it off, the popcorn lung cases weren’t definitively linked to the factory, and even if they were, that’s massive amounts of continued exposure over a long period of time. Highly unlikely that even heavy vapers who used exclusively diacetyl laced liquid would have that level of exposure. It’s like when they said saccharin caused tumors in rats…they failed to mention they gave the rats all at once the same amount a PERSON would be exposed to over their lifetime. Or something like that. Sorry @SthrnMixer I swear I’m not “one of those” people. :wink:


I know, it will kill you in the long term, so will regular breathing since oxygen is full of other pollutants. I just don’t even bother to read all that crap anymore. Life is going to end one way or another and I plan to enjoy myself until it does. :relaxed: