Creating lemon/lime soda-like taste/experience

I used to love the vapourists citrus sparkle which was just like sprite, other than the fact it was too sweet. But it really tasted like sprite or 7up, even seemed to provide a little tingle that made it seem like it was carbonated almost. I would mix it with low sweetness juices in the olden days to add some ice sensation and dilute some of the sweetness. But anyway… its still an impressive flavour.

I tried to buy a ‘soda base’ flavour from flvrs but it just tasted like cream soda. Bleh. Gross. Clearly I went about that the wrong way. Anybody have any idea how to go about it the correct way? I still use a little bit of it in my recipes sometimes. Even adding 5% of this juice to my mix I can notice it complimenting other flavours. But I’m about to run out.

And I would prefer to not have to keep buying ridiculously taxed juice now that I’m running out and mix all my juices now, even if I’m using it such a small way. I have some lemon from flavor apprentice which is good at adding sour to mixes, though it has some sweetness too so I do have to be careful when using that one on already sweet mixes… and that gross cream soda tasting stuff. How did they replicate soda so well?


I personally haven’t tried lemon lime soda flavors, I’ve seen them when I’ve shopped around. I just went over to the flavor list and found the top/most used lemon lime flavor here. The juice you’re after could be using more than just this 1 flavor, but this could be a base. Unfortunately, sometimes you just gotta try some out to know which are the good ones.

You can also check reviews on here.


This might help

Citrus Sodas 🍋 | Noted: 173 - DIY OR DIE Vaping


So IIRC, sprite was very easy to mimic.

I think it was something like

3% (Cap) Lemon Lime
2% (Vape Train) Fizzy Sherbet
1% Fruit of Choice to mimic flavored sprite
0.5% (Cap) Super Sweet. I think it’s necessary for a sprite mix

I can’t find the original, but here is the most popular one: Check cookies


Vape Train Lemonade (clear) is not lemonade, it’s straight up Sprite.


While I was able to find capella lemon lime on flvrs and sparkling sherbet on flavourhub… what a pain that they are on separate sites.

I always assumed that lemon lime was just like lemon or lime and more like a souring agent…which is pretty much all my lemon is… from… lets see… flavour apprentice “lemon II”

Whatever it is that creates that fizzy sensation, is it expensive or something? A lot of things with that or sparkling the in name seem to be rather pricey.

I have a cheap grape soda flavour from flavourwest and while its good, one of my favourites actually, I’ve not noticed any of that sensation. Then again I do go pretty light on flavours maybe I just haven’t added enough.

Anyway thanks for the suggestions.


there are some notable flavours that have that fiZZy-ness
some champagne flavours and INW lemon kick

not much experience with them myself but here is a review from ID10-T

INW Lemons Kick is for-real, no joke fizzy, like I get the full tingle of a carbonated soft drink, but also very odd. It tastes like 50% 7-up and 50% vanilla cream soda, with some extra lemon. Fizzy and lemony up front, with a touch of lime behind that, and a sweet, creamy base with prominent vanilla flavor to it. It’s very pleasant,


Huh… that sounds a lot like that ‘soda base’ I bought… with a vanilla cream soda taste. Definitely not what I was looking for. I wonder if they use the same chemical.

I reaaalllly do not like vanilla flavour in vape juice. Which is weird because I do like it in food. Same with coffee and dairy and a bunch of other stuff. I guess they are just hard to mimic in vapour/aerosol/whatever. Or its just me.

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I thought maybe people were just tricking themselves into believing something felt “fizzy” when vaping, there is actual fizzy flavors?!

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VTA fizzy sherbert is the way to go if you can get it

CAP lemon lime is a very good starting point though if you cant get the VTA, but it also works incredibly well with the fizzy sherbert, the cap lem lime may not be what you think it is? Before i tried it i was expecting something really acidic but its not, its actually one of the best overall flavours ever released, imo anyway i think its a must have. (Its also doesnt really mimic the “fizzy” sensation)

FA lemon sicily is another decent lemon but it needs to be pushed a little & its kinda flat as in it wont give you anything towards mimicking “fizzy”.

As for tfa lemons, i dont really like any of them tbh, i have all the tfa lemons(i think?) & their lemon lime, the lem lime is ok if you use it low (0.5-1%) but it can get chemically when pushed much higher than that, they may have a v2 lem lime but if they have iv never tried that? But i cant use their lemons at all reslly. It could just be that i rate tfas so low because i am so used to having a very nice lemon with chemnovatics lemon for most applications & ssa natural lemon/fe lemon when i need something a little sharper (mainly drink/soda/fresh fruity types), then FA lemon sicily just as an additive towards any of them.

SSA natural lemon can work well in helping get a “fizz” effect because its kind of a sharp lemon (not in a bad way) & especially when paired with vta fizzy sherbert & cap lemon lime. (or even paired with FE lemon aswell)

The fizzy sherbert also works well with SSA or FA cola if you ever wanted to switch the lemonadey mix to a cola mix.

If you let us know what concentrates are actually available to you maybe someone could pick out ones that will work best for what you’re trying to achieve?


try FLV citrus soda


So looks like flavourhub does have both cap lemon lime and fizzy sherbet. Don’t know how I missed that before. Unfortunately this is the site that needs $100 before free shipping. Might just pay the fee because idk what else I need really. And things I know I will use, like the bases and the ws23, I haven’t even cracked yet from my first order with them, and I feel like I should at least make sure I don’t get any off flavours before buying more. I’ll use some in my next mix (I’ve been trying to use bases in order of purchase date and I still have quite a lot from flvrs.)

Anybody have any ideas on what I could fill my cart with if I were to go that way? with 60ml of those flavours plus 30mg of tfa mixed berry and WF sour watermelon… comes to $46.

I like fruit and candy flavours basically.

What doesn’t agree with me for whatever reason is vanilla, dairy, dessert/pastry, toffee, caramel and coffee flavours, though I did find a chocolate flavour that works in small amounts with menthol. Still those kinds of flavours are a pretty risky bet with like a 10% chance I’ll like it. Still I may be open to new things… I currently have and like blue raspberry, peach, double apple, grape soda, pomegranate (as a bittering agent), lemon (souring agent), green apple, fruit punch and strawberry. And I either ice or menthol everything ( and sometimes both).

Could also give their sweetener a try but I still have SOOOO much sweetener I feel like I would never use it all. My 120mg bottle of sweetener is like still 110mg after 6 months plus I have 60mg of cap super sweet that I’ve basically only used in coffee when I run out of sugar.


EDIT: Replaced mixed berry with FA forest fruit, seems to have better reception. Thinking of something pear perhaps. Anybody have any idea on Capella’s?

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Cap lemon lime is definitely a flavour that you will use a lot if you like your fruity vapes, it has soo many applications/can be useful is all kinds of profiles, its very clean tasting, no pungent sourness of anything that can come with some other lemon based flavours, just a nice refreshing also can be used at low % to boost/enhance your other fruity mixes.

As for other flavours, if you like peach - ssa peach sweet, flv saturn peach, inw peach are my top/main peaches.
WF SC tropical gummy is a very good flavour, one of my favourites, definitely in my top 10 for just fruity types.
FA forest fruit, another one of my favourite fruits, this one is probably in my top 10 of all time favourites, i love this flavour.
inw blackcurrant is a really nice flavour that doesnt get brought up much, definitely worth a mention, if you like blackcurrant then this is the one to get, probably my favourite one overall tbh.
Some of the real flavors sc line are supposed to be good but i dont know about those as they arent available in UK? Maybe someone else could point you to the top ones?

@iameatingjam - edited - oh just saw you like vanilla, pastry etc.
FA apple pie is very good for the pastry/pie crust, has zero apple flavour, just a very nice crust.
FA cookie, cookie premium & vanilla cookie are very good.
CAP cookie crumble is great when you want a VERY buttery soft cookie, i use this a lot to add butteryness to cookies & also custards & some other stuff.
TFA french vanilla 2 is a nice vanilla, their v1 was not good but the 2 is brilliant, this is more an additive to a cream/custard though as opposed to being a solo vanilla cream.
WF SC french vanilla (thick) is really nice, takes about 10 days to settle but comes together really nice thereafter to form a lovely thick rich bright vanilla cream.

Just a few i thought worth mentioning that i could think of off the top of my head, i did just briefly check their website just to see which brands they carried, sorry if they dont have some of the specific flavours i mentioned.


I’m so sorry it was that I didn’t like vanilla and pastry flavours though looking back I can see I could have worded it better. Thank you very much for your suggestions.


i vape mostly fruits too, im very picky
i can recommend

cap blackberry INW pear FA pear, reka sexy mango, WF island mango, flv ripe mango flv boysenberry flv wild melon. WF boysenberry-raspberry INW lime / shisha lime

I may edit to add more that come to mind

CAP 27 fish / bears , Cap guava, vta sugarloaf pineapple inw pineapple, INW cherries / cherry


Alright, I was on the fence about fa pear because of the high percentage suggestion on flvrs but who knows they might just pull those out their assses, so I’ll add it.

Unfortunately, seems like nothing else is available, or is only available by other brands. There’s flv mango but it doesn’t say which type…?

Its alright I’m getting pretty close to $100 and there’s two difference approaches to my sprite in there and some other interesting flavours I’m curious about like forest fruit and tropical gummy. Tangerine sounds good too, never thought about that before.

Okay, I see your edit, and added the bears, lol.



tpa juicy peach? yikes…

FA white peach and INW peach are the ones you want
JF honey peach is an alternative too
I hope your getting FLV citrus soda if you want FIZZ,
VTA fiZZy sherbet is good but kind of weak which makes it quite expensive. thats what pisses me off about VTA fruits
INW, FLV, and FA have much better value in general

have you tried ?
they have much better selection but its now 125$ for free shipping

Oh, I have FA peach juicy from flvrs and I really like it, and thought it was the same thing. Is it not? I don’t know what the t is for… But it says its from flavour apprentice and thats what mine is from.

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And you think the sherbet isn’t great for fizz? Damn… the was the whole point of the order. Getting that and CAP lemon lime at the same time… sigh… so many choices. Giving me a headache…

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VTA has some fiZZ its just kind of weak i recommend get half as much and get some FLV citrus soda too. its more potent

TPA and TFA are the same company flavorer/perfumers apprentice
FA is Flavor Art

their white peach is incredible so is INW peach
1% FA white peach and 0.5% INW peach will give you a very robust flavourful peach and they are both very strong so great value too

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