Cthulhu RTA, courtesy of Cthulhumod.com!

oh eye see… bummer it’s still a convincing piece of gear !

Thanks for the review. I have one coming this week.

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Nice review!

Mine is awaiting coils, wicks and juice; just got delivered today!

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No way ! You guys always order weeks after me and get your stuff before me …it’s just not fair !! Lol …let me know how it is


If @Ken_O_Where hadn’t put up that Vapecrawler link to inform (tempt) me, the good deal would have passed me by. Good eye Ken!

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When ever this happens to me it’s usually a wicking issue. It happened with my Goblin, after I got the wicking right it cleared up. Those are some large juice channels to stop from leaking.

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Nice review. I want it. Now.
I actually like the understated simple look on this. I’m too old to display skeletons, trolls, zombies and whatnot. Simple and elegant works for me.
Thanks for the review!


Ur welcome… lol not that it matters as long as u made out good!!!

Thank you @quitter1, but, I think that @Ken_O_Where had you beat by a nose length on that post…not that it matters lol!

We all depend on folks like you to keep us abreast of the good deals!

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You and me both then. One of the things I’m starting to dislike in the industry is the fact that manufacturers are trying to win customers over with eyecandy. I prefer quality over eyecandy.
Though ironically Cthulhu would eat all those trolls, zombies and what not. :wink:


Duhhh!!! :fearful:

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And speaking of the patience for wicking; for all those that get the Cthulhu, do take a moment and review the vid that @SirRisc graciously provided in his review concerning the build…before you build and wick; a dollar says, if you don’t, you will experience flooding of juice out the air intake holes. If you think you’re using too much cotton, think again. The juice channels are massive and need to be filled up quite a bit to prevent flooding.

Sure will watch the video. But didn’t he say his flooded or did he fix it?

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I think he did speak of a little flooding when he was filling the tank, but fixed the wicking as not to flood. For now, until I’m absolutely sure about my wick methods on the Cthulhu, I’ll be closing off my airflow ring at night or any other time I’m not vaping it solid, so I won’t come back to 2.5 ml of juice surrounding my mod on the table!

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Ironhammer5’s method has kept mine from leaking so far. This is the first time I’ve ever had to fill up the juice channels of an atty with cotton, but it works!

I don’t know whether to be super pissed or super happy for everyone else but FT just listed a clone Cthulhu today .


Custom Update on the Cthulhu RTA: Custom Notched Top Cap

For those who find it super difficult to remove the top cap for filling purposes, as I did, here’s the fix. Custom notches cut into the top cap via a dremel tool with a cut off disk. Works like a champ.


Great Idea, I do find that cap difficult to remove. WTG!

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Great idea Jim ,

I haven’t even given my Cthulhu the time of day since I got it …when I get the chance I’m gonna set it up nice tho .

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One of the reasons I got this RTA was for the top fill capability. It was thwarting me at every turn!

p.s. A little graphite cleans up the threading issues, if you have any.