Cubis Tank

This probably doesn’t matter to anyone but me but I let my BM talk me into a Cubis Tank today and I love it. I’d bought the Nautilus mini, then the Nautilus but this gives me better flavor :slight_smile: really happy!


Seen a couple of posts on here about that tank, but there’s no RBA for it right? That’s a dealbreaker for me. :frowning:


Glad you are happy with your new tank. Checked price for coils on eciggity…just under $10 for 5. That’s a good price. Looks like a good deal if you prefer not to make your own coils. For me I need a RTA.

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Yes there is. Just wasn’t released with the tank.


thanks for that info. that’s an interesting design - price for the rba + the tank is quite reasonable too if the shipping isn’t too bad I might have to pick one of those up.

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Keep in mind I don’t own one to give feedback on. I just know there is an RBA.

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Shipping from Myvapestore is $5.50 USPS

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Same here. And in all my glorious wisdom I keep thinking my way is the best way. Well dang to me it is! :slight_smile: If I could talk everyone into rebuilding I would, but apparently there is a very large group out there who, for whatever reason, prefers the convenience of prebuilt coils. I guess I can understand it if I squinch my eyes and think real hard. Anyway, I’ve heard plenty of positive responses to this tank, just can’t do it.

Edit - spoke too soon. So there is an RBA. I’ve missed that entirely. Hang on YouTube…here I come!

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I’m the one who refuses to build LOL. It is easier for me to just go buy coils

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Nobody’s perfect! LOL :slight_smile:

Just kidding. If you’re happy then you’re not doing it wrong. I kept a TON of my old Nautilus and Atlantis coils. Everytime I open my desk drawer they remind me how much money I used to spend on them. Funny, I will go spend nearly $200 on a mod but get pissed off spending $2 on a coil. Go figure.


I figure that I save enough in DIY mixing to afford coils. I can build and do on occasion, but the little free time I have is better used mixing.


This * 100. If it’s keeping you smoke-free, you’re then doing it right.

I enjoy the DIY aspect of making the coils myself (and the fact that I can make a million coils with like $10 of material is pretty cool too), but with the quality of the prebuilt coils available these days it’s no longer essential IMO to get a fantastic vape.


You probably just nailed it. Where I have all the time I need to make coils even though my work life is exceptionally busy, I still work from a home office so I can take the 10 minutes anytime I want to rebuild my RTAs.

I probably did date myself here. The last one I bought with stock coils that I would purchase was the Delta II. I thought it was a killer vape and still use it but only with the RBA deck. Maybe I need to give these things another chance?

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Exactly… Vaping is all about being uniquely you… believe me my dander is up about people trying to tell people how to vape, how to mix, or how to enjoy doing this. Just do what makes you happy because making the world happy ain’t ever gonna happen LOL


Owning the Cubis, and giving my review of it, not having an RBA was a deal breaker for me. But now that they have one I can imagine this being a very good tank. I am going to be ordering the RBA, as I still slap this tank on every once in awhile and give it a whirl. With an RBA this little guy could be really great.

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This thing is much better than my Nautilus LOL

The RBA is $3.95 thats cheap.

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Well alrighty then. I haven’t received my first Diablo yet and just ordered 2 more. Fun times.

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Yes theres a rba for it not you can do vertical or parallel builds on it but it maxes at 35w. I have both the cubis,cuboid and rba for cubis. I still buy the prebuilt coils for my lazy days when i dont feel like building coils.

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As they arrive in the single color they are pretty boring tanks. It’s when you combine the colors of two (possibly 3?) that they start to look really cool.

I know this isn’t the best pic. But initially the body of the tank and Chimney I kept the same color. I have since swapped the chimneys and they look great.

The drip tip has to go though. When not using my Crius, I use the glass drip tip on here and I love it.

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