Well I have been searching the forum posts to see what is still currently available as far as getting liquid nicotine. All I have seen so far is Carolina X and Nic Giant ( used to be RTS ) Does anyone know if there are any other options right now.
I saw that MFS closed their doors. Some recent reviews on Nic Giant ( like last 2 to 3 months ) have been less than stellar, nasty smell and mushroom taste ( I know this also happened with some of Nic Rivers stuff )
My funds come in spurts so last time I was able to stock up 6 liters, but I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. Man Carolina X is soooo expensive, and yes I know it’s worth every penny ( or so I hear ) but I won’t be able to get much at that price.
Any other options? Thank you so much for any info.
They had a post on vu that they have raised their prices. Shipping has gone up as well. Honestly I wouldn’t be ordering nic from overseas this time of year anyway.
Very true…I ordered some flaves and they sat in mailbox while at work , came back and they were smoking hot …If it was Nic I would have been scared
I am SO good. I had totally forgotten that Heartland, whom I have been getting my nic from for years now, is in OK! Well we will be moving to OK probably in the next 6 to 8 months. Think I’m set Right now I have nic for at least the next 3 maybe 4 years. I mean sure, I know things could change with Heartland at any time but I’m not going to stress about it.
Being realistic here, after I thought about it for a bit, I bet if it came down to it, I could vape 0 nic. I’m at 2mg now as it is. At this point it’s possible that it’s more the hand to mouth action. Or at least that’s what I am thinking.
Might be a fun experiment to make up several bottles of 0 nic juices and vape them (and nothing else) for a week and see what happens.
Btw, I was giving her the details on Heartland Vapes, guys. That’s all. I just didn’t want to throw anything out that could get us in trouble if the authorities were trolling, you know?
If something has changed in the laws and my post could cause any issues for the forum, please delete my thread if that’s better. That or let me know and I can.
Last thing I want to do is cause any issue here, Sorry
Nic giant won’t deliver to NY so I’m left with Carolina or perfect vape Central vapors has too but also wont deliver here so boy I miss liquid nicotine wholesalers…i got 2 liters 100 mg nicsalt but kinda want ?1 more Liter
No problem there, they won’t even sell me a DIY bottle let alone nic but they charged me 15$ for adult Sig fee 2 yrs ago for a pod mod !They said they had to because of our NY flav ban…funny nobody else was doing that back then for gear
Yeah they have been terrible. They finally said they would refund if I sent it back. They gave me a label for 13oz. USPS returned it to me because it weighed 3 pounds 13 oz. I literally sent them the pic of USPS show 3 pounds 13 oz. Then they say sorry try sending it again… Their new label was for flipping 3 pounds. I had to ask how dense they were when I sent a screen shot of USPS asking for 3 pounds 13 ounces in postage. They have finally sent me one for 4 pounds so we will see if it ever makes it back to them.