Apparently, I got a little to edit happy and left out the part where you can turn the beep off. If you don’t like your device to beep at you, just turn it upside down and locate the on-off switch.
Great video @Dan_the_Man. At first I couldn’t decide if I liked the lumpy looking green, but by the end of the review, it grew on me. Keep the good vids coming, and as always
Love the cat!!! I have a Norwegian Forest cat and when he jumps in my lap everything goes on hold until he decides to leave. His purr is like a Harley at idle. Try to keep the mods on flat surfaces. Gentle giant.
Got two spare. Your choice. Welcome any time. Rent will be tracking one cut on the album we are putting together this year. Song is negotiable.
Only one cut? Hell ya, thats good rent. Though I am sure it will be more fun than work.
You got that right!
So I looked up Norwegian Forest Cat. Very handsome breed and they say quite loyal.
Have you heard of a Caracal Cat? For Whatever reason, I really like them. I think they are quite handsome. I follow someone on instagram that is owned by a Caracal Cat. Anywho, Thanks for the support and the Love.
The caracal /ˈkærəkæl/ ( Caracal caracal ) is a medium-sized wild cat native to Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and India. It is characterised by a robust build, long legs, a short face, long tufted ears, and long canine teeth.

Gorgeous puttums!!! I would love a Main Coon. I would also love a puma but my wife saz “NO!!!”. I just think it would be great fun to go grocery shopping with a Puma.