Dangerous Product Alert: DARK COTTON BLACK MAGIC

Oh crap! {face palm}


:joy: you always kill me lol

Ok I will say it
Ya’ll are just a bunch of racist if you don’t like black wicks

I ain’t scared

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What’s a little insanity if you can’t share it?

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I like Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, does that help?


This company is probably a subsidiary of the FDA…


That would imply they are dropping the hammer out of concern for our health and somehow I doubt that very much! If they did we would see some sensible regulation instead of barring people’s access to a decent vape.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner , quote of the week!


:chicken: dinner, where?! I can’t see anything through this :fog:


Just to be clear… The FDA don’t give a damn about you or your health.

But, they will USE this as another excuse to regulate further, if they can. No doubt.

Edit: Hmm… Josephine beat me to it!!


Ahh. The battle of words. :fist::fist::fist::dash::dash::dash::dash::roll_eyes:

I of course don’t agree with what the fda has done with the regulations. I think it will hurt more people than help people.

I do believe that their is a lot of interest in taxation, someone else getting their big piece of the pie, and all that garbage. Most of which is the biggest piece of motivation they have.

However, i cannot say their isn’t someone there who doesn’t care about safety. I do believe there needs to be some regulations and so far we as a community obviously need a touch of help.

This is why I do believe there is an unfortunate reason why regulations should be put in place…
(***just like with everything…there are thousands of great companies, but there are many who give us and vaping a bad name) …lets list a few…

-Well, this thread…at the start of the thread…warnings about a new product being sold out of vape shops and getting sick.

-5-8 months ago a fairly large producer of ejuice (not here to shame with names) claimed to mix their stuff in a lab and their employee released videos of rats running around and mixing in a dirty dirty environment.

-Segelie releases a device claiming to do Tc safely. The community discovered that it doesn’t and isn’t regulating the temp…which can potentially cause harm by melting the wires in tc mode and hurt the user. Segelie claims zero responsibility.

-sellers of wire for vaping have labeled wire as high grade only to find it wasn’t.

-Personally I was wronged by two local companies with their miss labeled level of nic in their bottles. Neither would respond. And just took my business elsewhere. Again, Neither company was willing to step up including the bnm.

-A few ejuice sellers are using cartoon figures, and other questionable marketing measures. Come on. Trix are for kids.

This list goes on and on. Again, I do want to say the deeming regulations are BS…I do think they don’t care about the our community and our livelyhoods. I firmly believe that big pharma and big tobacco have put the fda in their pockets through the use of money and general political move.


Eww. And just alittle note. The above is not a ful political stance and or meant to do anything other than to create some thought, raise questions, and to think. Again I do think everything going on with the fda is pure bs.

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I completely agree with that and I’m all for sensible regulation that protect us from unsafe products. Sadly, that’s not what we are getting. The regulations that are upcoming are going to push vaping into the black market where we will be far more likely to get duped by scam artists.

I didn’t bring up the point I made to start an argument over words, just clarifying. Not everybody is aware of the shenanigans of the FDA, new people are joining everyday. I think it is safe to say we basically all agree about what kind of regulations we would like to see. :hugging:


I saw a post for this stuff this morning, It just doesn’t look safe, I’ll stick with my WHITE organic cotton balls or Muji. I’ll pray for those who think it’s cool looking and actually use it.


There is deception and greed on both sides of this issue. I agree with everything you say and not opposed to some regulations that make sense. We all agree that what the FDA is proposing is an abuse of power. We as consumers do need protection from some of the shadier practices and I for one would welcome a plan that would allow me to continue vaping knowing that if something goes wrong, there will be someone to answer to other than just not buying it anymore while others fall prey. What the FDA is doing just makes it near impossible to vape the way I would like to by removing all but a fraction of what is currently available. As a DIYer, I should have the ability to purchase any and all products that currently exist and take my safety into my own hands. I’m sure people are hurt by chainsaws everyday, yet I can walk into any hardware store and buy one.
I would love to hear from a verified “insider leak” that has sat in on the back room meetings between the FDA, Big T, Big P and the politicians (Big A) in power. I love following money trails.


ALL of your examples make a great case to me for total DE-REGULATION because our Government

will NEVER regulate what properly needs regulation


The only good government regulation is NONE.

With the power of networking we have in this age, let the CONSUMER regulate.
Let the Activist Consumer help EDUCATE.
Support and Promote good products,

High profile Consumer Reporting is the best regulation!!

These have been my off-the-cuff Opinions.

Don’t shoot me today. :stuck_out_tongue:



Couldn’t agree with you more.


Time for a Boston Vape Party?


I just posted basically the same thing before checking if any of you guys mentioned it. What was I thinking. Of course you guys knew! :smiley:

Activated charcoal MSDS. Don’t buy or use that stuff! :smiley: