Decent start on a Night Shift clone

gcrannell posted a very decent starter for a Night Shift clone. I made a slight alteration and upped the Chocolate Glazed Doughnut to 7%. Here is his recipe:

Knowing that VCV uses their own extracts it would be hard to clone perfectly but this isnt bad at all, i scrapped my attempts after making a 5ml of this. I made it this morning, threw it in the ultrasonic cleaner until it would mix well and vaped. Not bad at all, as i said i upped the Doughnut %, dropped the PG completely and the Water/Vodka/PGA so the final product was:

7% Chocolate Glazed Doughnut (CAP)
3% Cappuccino (CAP)
@ 3mg nic



After vaping through 30ml i think ill add either a dash of Sweet Cream (TFA) or Marshmallow (TFA) just to sweeten and smooth it out a bit. Somewhere in the 1% range. There is a very nice coffee/doughnut vape, i had tried several coffee flavorings in my attempts but never considered Cappuccino. I posted my adaptation here:

I will most likely just update the recipe on this link instead of making new recipes.

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