Deleting a Flavor from Shopping List

How do you do this? I have a flavor in there that I bought and it won’t go away.

Ah, let me guess - You’re using a touch device?

On a desktop an option to delete presents itself when you hover over the line - I will fix this very soon! :smile:

Try reloading the shopping list now…

Yes sir. Galaxy Tab S. There it is. Thank you sir!

Also, when I am using my tablet in landscape mode and I go to reply to a topic my keyboard pops up, that top banner comes down, and the text window goes up under the banner and I have to then rotate my tablet to portrait mode to be able to see what I am typing. I can send you a screenshot if you like. It’s not that big of a deal. But I never use my tablet in portrait mode except for here.

I’d like a screenshot anyway - I won’t be able to do much about it, but if it looks weird, I can submit a bug to the Discourse developers :smile:

Send it to lars at e-liquid-recipes dot com :smile:

Sent screenshot

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Bug reported to Discourse! :smile: