That just make me want to laugh out loud. All the people that was avoiding those creamy/buttery flavors all for nothing. Sucking down acid laced flavors hoping to live forever. It’s time to buy some Capella stocks… They’re in for a huge sales increase.
This just goes to show how fear mongers can infest the vape community with little to no evidence of vaping being dangerous. What a shame.
We should go for unflavoured nicotine base then …
Does anyone have the full paper rather than just the abstract? I can’t seem to access it without sighing up or paying what…$300+? The abstract doesn’t go into enough detail and I’m very interested in reading the entire report.
Dr. F still thinks it should be removed
I like diacetyl and diketones ;D
The way I understand that they aren’t saying diacetyl is good or even harmless. They are only saying the amount in cigarette smoke far outweighs the amount floating about in the air in a popcorn factory. Doesn’t suddenly make it Vitamin C.
This article is about diacetyl in cigarettes and how all the food flavour workers tested were smokers. F… all to do with vaping! Considering the thousands of chemicals present in cigarettes, how could they even know what chemical or combination of chemicals is causing the damage!
I’m just gonna have another vape, diketones or not, it’s way better than what I used to inhale
Saved to photos for later use! Thx! Needed that image! Loved that character!
I try to avoid flavors with the ! sign but it doesn’t stop me from making a couple juices with those flavors in it lol.