Dinner Lady Cornflake Tart

I’m guessing most of you won’t have tried this liquid, but it quickly became one of my faves. I haven’t tried enough alternatives to know if it’s like any other liquid out there but the description is thus:

[quote]Cornflake Tart by Dinner Lady is an old school flavour drenched in nostalgia; a Cornflake and Syrup tart run through with layers of Strawberry Jam. It’s the perfect pudding combination - minus the crunch.

Flavour Notes: Cereal, Strawberry Jam & Syrup
eLiquid Flavours: Cereal, Jam, Strawberry
Flavour Note Groups: Dessert, Fruity[/quote]

Anyone tried this or does it remind anyone of other liquids? If so, is there a recipe that someone could point me to? This one appears to come quite close (without the strawberry, which is subtle anyway) and seems like Capella’s Cereal 27 is the base flavour.



@demonboy never follow Vendor descriptions word for word …realize they are not interested in your ability to clone …just the opposite. Strawberry Shisha (INW) might be a good first guess of “strawberry jam” you already have enough sweetener (syrup part)

…BTW this sounds awesome, share your success and failures Brofessor, we’re all here to help Thanks!


I’ve got Cereal 27 on the way and will give that recipe a shot. Looks good. I agree with Bo… Shisha might be the way to go. It’s a very distinct strawberry. If that’s not good enough maybe add a little TPA Ripe Strawberry with it.

EDIT: A small amount of FLV Greek Yogurt (0.25% to 0.50%) adds a nice dairy flavor that might fit that recipe.

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Actually the strawberry is barely noticeable in Cornflake Tart. The cornflake/cereal with treacle is the most dominant flavour with a creamy undertone, which is where the strawberry lies.

Yeah, that sounds good. Would you add it in addition to that recipe or would you replace something with it?

keep in mind that most commercial juices arent made with the more expensive flavors , fw , tfa ,cap are used the most , they have to keep cost down just

I would add it. Probably go with .25 since FA Cream is already there.