Disappointed with GTX coils - switching back to R(D)TA

I’ve been using the Vaporesso XR Luxe Max for a while now using replacement GTX mesh coils (0.8 ohm) and would vary the wattage between 9W and 14W. I’ve been noticing a couple of things:

  1. The GTX replacement coils burn really fast. They last only 2-3 days tops, with some duds lasting literally only a few puffs. These duds also occur with surprisingly high frequency (on average ~1 per replacement pack of 5 coils).

  2. Most likely as a consequence of inhaling burnt cotton (and maybe even metal bits) - my chest doesn’t feel great and even developed the globus sensation where I feel like something is “there” at the end of my esophagus. This has never happened before when I was on Nitrous RDTA vaping freebase nic.

  3. I’ve done a side-by-side comparison of the GTX replacement pods (not coils) at the same resistance of 0.8 ohms, and those seem to last much longer. But they cost 5x that of the replacement coils. Go figure. I wish I had known this because I just recently purchased a large stash of GTX coils.

This experience kind of turned me off of these pre-packaged coils. Another reason is that I read somewhere about the mesh coils in these setups uses bad quality metal, and so sometimes it’s the metal itself disintegrating - I’m not sure how reliable that is.

But anyway, I gonna go back to my Nitrous RDTA setup but to vape nic salt instead of freebase. Right now I’m using 20mg/mL nic salt on 0.55 ohms and 20W. People keep saying that anything over 12mg/mL on RDA/RTAs are too much - is that a hard and fast rule or just a general rule of thumb? The vapor I’m getting is about the same between the 2 setups, and the Nitrous definitely feels “cleaner”, although the flavor is more muted compared to the Vaporesso.


I actually vape 20 mg freebase on .25 ohm coil in my RTA
However I don’t vape like most people vape, I don’t inhale as much or as deep,
more like a smoking cigar. the mouth and tongue absorb nicotine pretty good

I personally think you’ll be fine but the best way to know is just try it
if you DIY you can simply lower the Nic a bit


NOT a hard and fast rule. I still know persons that vape ~36mg/ml freebase. I also know another dude that vapes 100% PG mixes. Both groups mentioned are each +10 year vapers.


Hard pass bro… I wasted 1 whole year with that crap. Zero flavor. Blah


The only rule is vape don’t smoke as far as I’m concerned,if I vape rdl over 3 mlg I’ll cough and sputter for ages the prob I got is I can vape all day and I’ll chain vape.back to your gtx prob where do you buy your coils the xx luxe will take pnp ,vc and bp mod coils I’ve used them all and not had a prob 70/30 6 mlg


Just got that in the post cheap


I picked up the GTX coils from ecmvape, sourcemore, and 3fvape, so I don’t think it’s due to a specific vendor.

What are VC and BP mod coils? Is it these:


Yep that’s them. I use all the above in the drag x ,Vaporesso max vc shift tank any boro tank with adaptor ,bp coils slow to break in but last a while ,vc .4 .8 both good flavor (not rda flavor)but all are fair and good enough for your fix if needed sub note I’ve got coils from Amazon in the past for a caliburn now I only buy from dealers I can trust :flushed:


@eliquidmonkey I am new to using a vape kit with replacement coils and not the entire pod as previously only used an Oxva Xlim pro which the entire pod and fixed coil used to last me over 2 weeks approximately. However wanted to up my choices of liquid and try shortfill and lower coils like 0.4 or 0.2 for diy to hopefully enhance flavours, so I’ve bought a Vaporesso Armour G pod mod kit. Really love the aesthetics of it and the weight and feel in the hand. It takes the replaceable Vaporesso gtx coils! Its early days but the first 0.4 coil which came with it is now almost 9 days old and had a lot of use! Still decent flavour. I bought from the Vape Club website. Some reviews online have stated that their quality seems to have declined and leading to dudd ones more often. Its a shame because the flavour is good. And way cheaper than replacing an entire pod. Just hoping that this will change and their quality is back to high standards.


Interestingly I tried having the same liquid in my oxva xlim pro pod kit and identical liquid from same bottle in the vaporesso Armour g with the 0.4 gtx coil and the flavours are very different. Thought it might have been using a brand new coil but after over 10ml worth the flavour from the gtx coil is nowhere near as good compared to Oxva and the Dessert flavours are far less developed. Its disappointing because I thought the 0.4 would have brought out more flavour with the wattage capabilities etc. Its a shame when you look forward to a new kit and its nothing like you hope! I wouldn’t buy another kit that uses gtx coils again either!


I agree I have a luxe XR max and the gtx were duds. You can try PNP coils in it which work without issue. I use the PNP coils in the luxe and the San AIO and the shift tank. Many of PNP coils to choose from. I stay with their mesh coils. The PNP-VM series.


I don’t know if they will work for your device but vaporesso gti coils are great in taste and longevity. I get 4-6 weeks even if I’m using commercial juices which has much more sweetener than I use when mixing.

Thanks for the information. I know the gti coils dont fit in the armour g pod mod as I asked at the time. Do the PNP VM fit in the vaporesso pod mod? I dont know anything about different brands coils sizes etc as have always used a pod with fitted coil. Also I charge it to 100% when it needs charging and its switched off overnight. But come morning and I switch it on again its lost 10% battery whilst it’s sat off not being used?! I think I might try and return it or at least exchange for something else because it loses power when off and loses a lot of function when battery down to 20% remaining. Wondering if its faulty along with the coils! Thanks for advice.


I vape mostly on box mod and rdta with freebase 6mg. But i picked up the Lux R Max just for fun and im really enjoying it now for about a year.
I use the low ohm coils in dtl mode.
The coils seems to last pretty long for me.
I started rebuilding the PNP coils back when i had those in another device. So i figured id try rebuilding the GTX coils and that has worked out well. There was a video out there somewhere.
And if PNP coils work there is a rebuildable one from wotofo that just screws apart to rebuild.

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After no success I’ve taken back the Vaporesso Armour G and exchanged it for an Oxva Vprime pod mod kit, and wow what a difference! Really pleased with it, can use 0.2,0.4,0.6 coils so plenty to begin with for me to try dtl.
I dont know anything about rebuilding coils or rda/rta but I am looking forward to trying some shortfills with the 0.2 coils. Thanks. I have seen so many people now stating how poor the gtx coils have recently become.

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