I’m Japanese and recently started DIY
I made various recipes by looking at the highly rated recipes, but I’m having a problem because it doesn’t taste good. Aji ga usukude kite shimau ndesu.
Is it not enough to mix? Is there not enough steepness? I’m not sure.
Should I mix it well enough to foam with a creamer?
Or I really don’t know if the taste is lighter because of the addition of nicotine.
Please give us your opinion if you are enjoying DIY.
@Mouse7 welcome to DIY’ing. As far as your question, it can be a little more complicated to answer.
What flavor profiles do you like ?
What recipes have you tried ?
What type of equipment are you vaping (i.e. Sub Ohm, Mouth to lung) ?
I’m not 100% sure what you meant by this, but if you are asking if you should blend up your mixes until they “foam” I would recommend AGAINST doing that, as shaking up by hand and letting steep will work great.
ni80.parallel, id3, role 0.5Ω single, sucking in the straight lung.
First, mix PG and flavor, then add VG, and finally add 100% PG nicotine and shake well to steep. But for some reason it’s not delicious. I do not know the cause.
I haven’t tried the Sad Panda one, but the Kreed’s Kustard I know. You should really steep the Kreed’s Kustard at LEAST 40 days if not more to let it mature. What tank, or RDA are you using ?
Please explain your problem again for me. You don’t LIKE the flavor, or you are not GETTING much flavor ?
You’re very welcome @Mouse7. Although I don’t have that RDA, I’ll look it up, and see how it’s doing for flavor. 30 days should be long enough for you to start getting some good custard out of that one.
There could be a couple of issues here. If your just coming from smoking it will be awhile before your taste comes back and thing will not taste as good as described.
Second if your used to store bought juice it has a LOT more sweetener. When I first quit smoking I enjoyed the store bought, but they eventually became too sweet and I always had a lingering sweetness in mouth that I didn’t like. Once I switched to DIY I had to get used to the lower sweetness and even added sweetener to flavours about 1%.
Now I find I don’t need the sweetener much anymore at all.
I find that my some RDA’s seem to lose flavor if the air flow is too much, and/or the heat is too much. Try first to lessen the air flow. I like to turn it down while I’m taking a drag. I can tell at which point the flavor kicks in. If you do this and do not notice a change in flavor, try lowering your power.
@Mouse7 in the Kreeds Kustard, that will be hard, as the CAP Vanilla Custard is the driving force there. There are other custards, but CAP VC, would be hard to directly sub for. Do you have any other custards ?
I never got much from Kreeds Kustard unfortunately and I use CAP Vanilla Custard by itself as an ADV. I have tried KK at all different total % and steeped up to 3 months with no real “OMG” result. Could try FA Custard Premium but it would certainly be different. Perhaps even WF Van Cust (SC) at around 2% or even 2.5% instead?
I use it at 10%, but I vape MTL. I make large quantities (500ml) which I steep for a month before I start on it. My current 500ml bottle is now around 3 months old and still has 1/3 left.
It’s not for everyone, but suits my taste.
I would suggest you try a couple of testers (20ml) and see if it works for you as a single flavour @Mouse7
Are you wanting a US style custard or a real “eggy, creamy, baked” style like a home made English type? There are different custards that do different things and work better with fruit as opposed to bakery profiles for example. CAP VC is probably one of the best bakery styles whereas something like TPA VCII seems better with lighter profiles like fruits.
I use CAP VC, FA Cust Prem, WF VC (SC), TPA Vanilla Custard (Original), CAP French Vanilla, and TPA French Vanilla Deluxe for fuller, heavier custard applications.
I use TPA Vanilla Custard II, TPA Vanilla Swirl, VTA Warm Custard, and WF Flapper Pie (SC) for lighter mixes.
Welcome @AnnaJohnson . This community will help answer you questions. There are some talented and knowledgeable folks willing to help. Read a lot and don’t be shy to ask questions.
@AnnaJohnson Welcome to the forum. Like @JiM210 said, some great folks here with a wealth of knowledge and willingness to share it. If you are a new (or experienced) DIY’er, this is a great place to be. Ask questions, participate and remember one important thing…have fun !!