DIY Hand Sanitizer?

Not in Germany. I wasn’t so sure anymore but they only add different chemicals to make it unusable for human consumption. Can’t be bothered to look up how toxic these chemicals are but I’d guess they are not toxic.


Yep, the acrylate is what is commonly used in the hand sanitizer gels, but it’s probably not the sodium polyacrylate powder that I’ve ordered - there are several variants… Some are probably more suitable then others :slight_smile: I’ll cross my fingers and hope it works well - now I wait for the shipment :slight_smile:

Probably not, because of exactly that. They most likely use the EuroDenaturing formula, which is isopropyl alcohol, methyl ethyl ketone and denatorium benzoate :slight_smile:


I bought this 99,5% Aloe gel and I must admit it’s close to being perfect.
It’s makes my WHO recipe mix really good and much more thicker then the recipe with water.
So I made this with Aloe instead of water :pray:t2:


So there was no gunk in yours :smiley: Awesome!


Yep nothing at all :smiley:


I’m tempted to order some, but now I am waiting on a shipment of sodium polyacrylate powder to try to make it gel :slight_smile:


Let’s here about it then :v:t2:


I haven’t shopped deeply as I am moving. I know by the time I’m settled I’ll be able to go into any store and pick some up next to the suntan lotion. Oh and goal number 4 was for my hand sanitizer to have no chance of getting mixed up with any samples intended for the Fertility Clinic …just a subjective thing :smirk:. Thanks guys for getting granular …or is that globular? Without some degree of thickening it really is hard to get sufficient coverage and time-on-target …the watery stuff evaps too quickly I believe for max efficiency.


No, the watery stuff is just as good - you just need to use a bit more. Which you can, because it’s pretty cheap to make yourself :smiley: The gel stuff is mostly for convenience :slight_smile:


My Lavender/Orange essential oil is almost too spectacular, and I think likely the added VG too. The wife has taken to using it as lotion going all the way to her elbows. She loves the way it softens her skin and she keeps taking wiffs of her forarms …hashtag CabinFever. My first 240ml is doomed.


BTW if you need to disinfect stuff like door handles etc, I made a solution of 70% alcohol and 30% distilled water and put it in a spray bottle - I had an old bottle from a manufacturer and just used that as a recipe :slight_smile:


I got the polyacrylate powder - it might not be the correct version - the packaging says “low crosslink version” - which I guess it what makes it “slush” and not a gel. To be fair, I didn’t mix it in with a machine and stir it for >1 hour (which might work)… So a bit disappointed by that.

But the polyacrylate itself is fun to play with - it’s RIDICULOUSLY absorbent! Just a little in the bottom of a glass, and you can almost fill the glass with water and within a few seconds you can turn the glass upside down and it won’t even drip :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Same here, I’ve ordered 250g and it looks as if the individual particles are just too big to make it a gel. However, It is so much fun to play with. I’m trying to germinate seeds in it right now in desperate search for a useful application.


Did you try to stir it mechanically for a LONG time? I’ve seen someone in a lab make gel sanitizer with polymers, but they stirred it for more than an hour! :astonished:

Let me know if you find a fun/good application, I have 500g of the stuff :stuck_out_tongue: hahah


You can add some of it to soil for your plants at home. It holds more water for longer but not every plant likes it.


Are you keeping cockroaches for any reason? As food for other animals for example? Then I have another use for the super absorbant polymer: A friend of mine buys somethng that looks exactly like our sludge as “water cockroaches can’t drown in” from the pet shop. No joke. Maybe not limited to cockroaches.


hehe cool - but no, I don’t keep any reptiles or other animals that would feed on cockroaches. Interesting use case though :smiley:


I’m not sure, but I think I’ll add some nicotine to any DIY sanitizer mix I might make.

How much nicotine?

Maybe Ill ask the French.


I think it’s a question of how much polymer powder you’re using plus some time. I’ve mixed some which wasn’t really a sludge yet, still kinda liquid. Left it out in the garden for 2 days and it became more like a gel. Not very pleasant to touch though, it was a bit sticky/slimey.


I found it difficult for me to put together from this thread an actual recipe, and when I searched ELRecipes I got no results error! For whatever reasons Hand sanitizer is still impossible to obtain locally so I searched and found this…

WHO recommended hand sanitizer:
1 cup Alcohol (99%)
1 Tablespoon Hydrogen Peroxide
1 Teaspoon Glycerin
1/3 Cup less 3 Tsp of water

makes 1 & 1/3 cups

Source: Youtube :slight_smile:

So… I kinda think I can use some of the old e-liquid I didn’t vape up and just do it by adding some alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and water?

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