DIY - No flavor/taste after a couple of puffs

First of all, my english is a little bit rusty, so, sorry for that.

A while ago I made a couple of recipes to test them and see what’s my thing. I decided that two of them would be my all day: Unicorn Mother’s Milk (really? yep) and Mint Colada.

Since I use about 30~50ml/day, me and my friend bought the concentrates and made a batch of 7 liters of each recipe.

The first recipe is the one that has a lot of votes in e-Liquid Recipe (Mother’s unicorn milk), except we used 70/30 VG/PG:
Bavarian Cream (TPA)4.00%
Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA)5.00 %
Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA)10.00 %
Sweet Cream (TPA)4.00 %
Vanilla Custard (TPA)3.00 %

The second one is a really simple mix of Pina Colada (TPA) 7% + Creme de Menth (TPA)
3% made at 70/30 VG/PG.

It steeped in a dark, cold place. I shook it like there was no tomorrow for several times and did the breathing proccess two times.

After a 40 day steep for the Unicorn Mother’s Milk and 20 day for the Mint Colada, they both have the same problem:

When a fill the tank for the first time, the taste is Ok, like it is supposed to be. But after just a couple of puffs, it has no taste at all. Looks like I’m vaping pure VG/PG.

Since the batch is around 14L, we decided to take a few samples and tried to fix that considering these possibilities:

  1. VG/PG proportion MUST be the same as the original recipe: we add PG to make it 50/50 like the original recipe - Don’t think it’s going to be a win situation, cause the test batch was made with 70/30 VG/PG like this one and the Mint Colada recipe has the original proportion of VG/PG, but worth a shot, right?

  2. Saturated taste buds: After a little research, we thought our e-liquid could have too much flavoring (Ok, I don’t think so, but gotta find what’s wrong), so we added some VG/PG in the same proportion, 70/30 for both of them.

  3. Or it could be the opposite - we should put MORE concentrates : we made a sample with 125% and 150% of the original flavoring;

  4. Fucked up base (VG and PG): The test batch was made with a base bought from one seller, and the 14L batch was made with another base, so we bought the base from the first seller again and made exactly the same recipe, same flavoring, same VG/PG proportion.

All of this test samples were made last week, so it’s steeping for now.

Additional to the above possibilities, we thought that it wasn’t mixed at all (flavors and base), since it is a 7L batch each e-liquid and when we tried the e-liquids, we may took some portion of the non-well mixed thing.

Additional information: it’s not vaper’s tongue, for sure. I can taste all the e-liquid I have, just this batch is fucked up.

We already used about 3L of the e-liquid by vaping or making the test samples, so I’m talking of a 11L of e-liquid that is not great and can just be vaped with a dripper. What can I do to save it?

Again, sorry for my english.


Hey! Your English is great.

My first thought was the high flavoring. @BoDarc laid something on us a while back that struck home with me. A mix with a high flavor percentage tends to be good for about a tank, but not as an all day vape. The lower the flavor percentage seems to be better, for me, as something I can taste and vape all day. Anything under 9% flavor is great. My mixes at 6% or lower stay with me for days on end with no flavor loss at all.

Not sure if that will help but that’s just my take on it.


Ok if its not vapors (which I think it is) tounge, I would assume its a bad batch of flavoring or the flavor mix is weaker than what is let on.

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I agree 100% with @TheTinMan an @BoDarc. I will also add that super large batches will take a lot longer to steep.

The fact that is tastes ok for first few hits then you get nothing could be that there is simply too much flavouring for your tastebuds to deal with or it has not settled enough yet.

I have not ever agreed breathing mixes but you may find it mutes the flavour enough in this case to be warranted.

I would cut off 30 - 100 ml and steep it away from the rest then test that after a week it will steep faster than the big batch.

A hodgepodge of random thoughts for you to digest.


i think also the recipe is 2015 and i believe the devices then would accomodate the recipes with higher flavor totals , these days a recipe like the MUM flavor totals are super high

after reading my posts im not sure i made sense , hopefully it does lol


I think it may be just that your taste buds just stop tasting the flavors after a while of tasting the same thing. Try using 3 tanks with completely different flavors in them in rotation, when you can’t taste the first e-juice switch it off to the 2nd juice, and again when you can’t taste the second juice go to the 3rd. If your like me when you go back to the first flavor you will taste it again.
Same thing used to happen to me in the bars back in my drinking days, the 1st drink was always too strong, but after 5 or 10 they were way too weak, and I forget what they even tasted like after 20!


I do not think it’s a problem with taste percentages … when I started the diy, I suffered the same problem, and even today I feel the mixes taste better at first, and it fades the flavor as I vaporize the mixture. At that moment I started a topic to try to understand the problem. To this day, my conclusion is due to taste buds, and to hardware … I know I’m not much help, but I know that some flavors are more concentrated than others, so I say that a recipe with 20 and such percentage of TPA, CAP, and FW flavors, I do not think that’s the problem!

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Now, I add that after making lots of strawberry recipes, posted here, and with many good feedbacks, it took me a long time to find a strawberry mixture that tasted good! :neutral_face:

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You got a lot of great feedback above.

The one part that may be missing is your testing and design. I think you are starting too big. 7liters is a lot. Yes you vape a lot. But you need to test test test before going big. Perfect a 30ml first. Determine the flavor ratios after testing for a month. Once you are satisfied sure, go up to 120ml for personal use. Then go up to a liter. Only at that point can you determine how long you need to age your liquid because you know for sure what the final product should tase like.

And yes. I too subscribed to not airing out flavors.


Very curious. Are you setting up an e-liquid shop? It sounds like you are making these recipes for personal use, but your volume is high enough to supply a small village for a month.


Wow… a 7L tester :flushed: I don’t know what to say besides … just … WOW!
Has it ever occurred to you to make a couple 30ml bottles for you and your friend to try before you decide on such a big batch?

I’m sure if you browse the forums a little bit (start with the beginners section, pinned posts) you’ll find a lot of useful tips that will save you tons of money and time.


Pretty sure that is what he did


Do all your friends feel the same way about the ejuice? Do they all describe it as flavorless? If not all agree on this description It may be taste buds need to be reset by chewing mint gum or mint candy.

Otherwise it may be one of the following:
1- too much flavor. I too have tried the popular mother’s milk recipe. The result was minimal flavor. Then I made another one. I reduced the total flavors to 20%. It was better.

2- too much breathing will leave some ejuice flavorless.

3- some recipes might taste full of flavors to people but others will think it is lacking. Meaning maybe you didn’t do anything wrong. U just picked a recipe that doesn’t suit you.


Thx for the reply.

I made a test batch exactly with the same flavor percentage, so I don’t think it’s the case, cause I could vape 30ml+/day and there was no flavor loss at all.

You think adding more VG/PG to it, leaving a lower percentage of flavoring, could end with this flavor loss?

Me and my friend took 1L each, so I can discard this hipothesis. He vaped all the e-liquid in a couple of weeks, haha. But mine still steeping (already steeped for 30 days plus the initial 40-day steep in the 7L recipe), and I’m taking about 60ml each week and testing it… same problem.

Have you ever tried those commercial juices with lots of sucralose? So, after you vape it, you can still feel the sugar taste in your mouth. I have the same sensation, after vaping 10ml (dripping), I can feel the aftertaste, a distant note. I mean, when vaping, no flavor at all, but the aftertaste is there.

Same question: you think that if I add some VG/PG, lowering the percentage of flavoring, could solve this problem? Or it will be a ethernal one-tank-juice?

Read it two times and understood, haha.

I don’t think it’s the setup either, nothing related to mod, atty or wicking.


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Nice one! Gonna try it. I will eliminate the tastebud problem hipothesis faster.

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I didn’t go from a 30ml~120ml to 7L in one step, but when I made 1~2L of the same e-liquid, it steeped in separeted 120ml bottles and reading your post makes me feel stupid, haha. Anyway, I came up to conclusion that it was a stupid idea and should have done it progressively a couple of weeks ago, haha.


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I’m not. It is not allowed selling e-liquid and e-cig/vapes in my country (Brazil), you can just use it.

And importing the premium ones cost about 1/8 of the minimum wage. The ones that receive the minimum wage would have to work about 20h to buy a 30ml e-liquid from cutwood, for example. As you can see, it’s impossible to do it.

The flavor (TPA, CAP) over here are not cheap either, so I imported the inputs (had to buy a good amount to make it worth) and thought: well, it WILL be consumed, if I make a large batch it will save me time and I won’t risk finding myself without juice.

Oh, and I do vape around 30ml a day, something like 1L/month. My friend vaped 1L that we took to steep separetely in about two weeks, hahahaha.


Actually, I did it. I vaped at least 2~3L of this recipe before decided to go nuts, but as said before, whenever I made a batch of 1L for example, it steeped in separeted 120ml bottles.