You’re on the right track. Light creams (Milks) I find need only about a two week steep. The heavy creams ( Bavarian and custard) about three weeks to four weeks +) to develop. Waiting longer never hurts.
Welcome to the forum.
I havent tried the Quik but did get his Rose Milk …Imo the rose milk is a 5 out of 10 it is nithing special over sweetened but it is a SB and Cream and that obvious…
All the flavors is a great site with fabulous owners …
Well the Custard/Cream levels are pretty low, so I don’t know if they’d need the FULL steep or not. I don’t have, nor ever used Creamy Yogurt, and have no clue how long it takes to steep. 2 weeks seems like a safe steep on that one.
Not a yogurt fan myself, but had to research out of interest on the calculator side. Interesting that in the notes for the flavour, people say anything from SnV to 21 days for the steep. Some do say it fades (mellows) with steeping so maybe test in 3 day intervals?
I have Quik, the one shot-I think around 10 days was good for a steep. I bought the concentrates to make it as the recipe is on ELR. I made a few a head of time, I made a 120 ml and a 60ml… been steeping a while. I’ll have to pull one out and try it.
Thank you @Lynda_Marie, I had been under the IMPRESSION that they killed the Creamy Yogurt and replaced with a v.2. I see it’s on BCF, so I MIGHT just have to go OUTSIDE my comfort zone (non-yogurt vaper here)…
This recipe was the first yogurt one for me. To me it’s a yogurt like “fruit on the bottom” yogurt, not a strong Greek type yogurt. I didn’t SFT though, well, because being yogurt, I thought it might be icky plain. Works in the Quik recipe though!