DNA 200 School

You can learn all you need to know about the DNA 200 here. Plenty of tips and tutorials. This will come in handy once you get your mod.

DNA 200 Early Adopters Forum


So what’s the verdict? Is it all that? Still learning?
Does it support SS in TC?

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It’s all that… I’ve barely scratched the surface though. I don’t want to come off half cocked, so I’m taking my time so when I talk, I’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.


316l SS in TC?

Sthrnmixer purchased one also…I have plans on getting one as well, but I was going to wait until after I received and became disappointed in the Kooper plus…
Maybe I should go ahead and make my purchase and we can all learn together and off of each other…
Any thoughts on the Vaporshark DNA200? A local shop here in my town has those in stock and have promised me some tutorials in the DNA200 chip if I make my purchase there with them…$199.99…
I am very much considering it for the tutorials…its a shop I frequent, so I am on a personal level with management and staff…
Plus I groom some of their dogs, lol…

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The Build quality is top notch from what I’ve read. It has a 900mah battery. It is the lowest LiPo for DNA 200 mods. I don’t know about battery quality or if it’s replaceable. I would think it’s a good quality battery.

It will fire 316L in TC mode.

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It utilizes a rapid charge technology, they call it " zip charge" I think…charges their battery in 90 minutes…

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Yep I read that too.

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