Doing Genetics Class Lab on E-Juice and Need Suggestions!

Hey guys!! Sorry I’ve been MIA. :frowning: I miss you all!!

So we are doing what is called the Ames test in my Genetics lab over the next two weeks and my group is doing e-jucie! It basically tests a substance for mutagenic activity. Each member of the groups picked something and the rest of the class voted on what they wanted the group to do. My suggestion was juice and it was almost unanimously voted for.

So…I have to actually buy a juice in a shop (and time has run out on ordering it online, unfortunately) because it has to be ‘sterile.’ Any suggestions on a popular but not bank breaking juice I should look for? Preferably something halfway vapable so I don’t waste the money on three drops and toss the rest. LoL. I was hoping for something popular enough that it’d be relevant for the general vaping public. I haven’t bought juice in a long time, though so no clue. The only one I know is Space Jam since it is pretty much everywhere. I’m thinking a high VG juice as well, since the test uses bacteria and I know PG is kinda antimicrobial. Didn’t really think about that when I suggested it.


Cool, testing EJuice !!! Hmmm, good question. Sterile, we actually know so little about the companies that are blending juices quite frankly. We do know the Suicide Bunny is a big enough company to blend in a industrial manner so hopefully we can assume it is sterile as well. Mother’s Milk and OB are at least vapeable. How big is Cutwood? They make some vapeable juices if you can trust it to be Sterile (Unicorn’s Milk, Sugar Bear, think it’s cutwood)…


This sounds like a very fun class ! Well not that Nicquid is at all a high VG line but the last I heard they added some to their line, I choose them over other because on their website they go into talking about their juices being produced in sterile labs any way here is a link it talks about an association regarding standards for producing e juice.

Oh and it’s good to hear from you :smiley: hope school is going well .


Thanks! School is great, just busy. I miss having a life, but I guess that’ll come later.

I’ll have a look when I’m at the shop for nicquid and SB. I imagine if it’s in a glass bottle I can autoclave it if I really need to, but I’m not sure what that would do to the makeup of the juice. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes. :smile:


How soon do you need it? I have some Cuttwood Boston Reserve coming today that I don’t need all of. I just wanted to test vape it so I can clone it for a friend. They make their juices in an ISO certified lab. If you just need a small amount, I can Fedex it to you, no problem. Let me know if that’s feasible or if you need it sooner.


Very interesting! At least you are getting the chance to research something which is close to heart! That’ll be exciting for you. :blush:

Hopefully your research will prove positive things for vapers! Our community needs all the help it can get from smart individuals, such as yourself!:wink:

We miss you around here…:pensive:


Thanks for the offer, but I need it by Thursday and it has to be ‘sealed’. I really wanted to test one of my own, but my TA vetoed that explaining that any trace of other bacteria (since that’s what we are using to test) will skew the results and look like a positive. So, this will be interesting. Here’s hoping whatever I wind up getting at my local shop is clean! LOL.


I think it’d be awesome to do some more in depth testing, especially using something like vapor condensate and lots of different liquids. Unfortunately, we won’t really get to do much other than one substance at a couple different concentrations. I’m sure our ‘results’ won’t really be seen as anything close to conclusive. I wish I had free access to the lab. I’d go after hours and have at it on my own time. But, since I’m a lowly undergrad, I’m not allowed in without an instructor. Wouldn’t want us releasing pathogens or breaking expensive equipment. :wink:


Might want to stay away from any PG/VG concoctions. The two chems. appear to be highly anti bacterial.
Re: Google "PG or VG and bacteria"
Flavor concentrates are a mix/blend and might get a positive. You could also consider flavored water.
The flavor water seems to use the same type of flavoring our vape DIY flavors.
Probably be way off base here, but hope this helps.

Thanks. I kinda figured that, but I’m pleading ignorance on this one since the deal is already sealed. Too late to go back now. LoL

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