Dripping? Sounds Raunchy doesn't it?!? ;)

Like to buy one now that I am full blown diy but not sure what to buy. Everything garbled in my noggin. Mainly for testing recipes and vape with when I’m at home.


I want to get the avocado rda or the griffin i hear they are really good. there is a tester atty for taste testing i forgot where i seen it.

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If u find it again please show me. My buddy usually bring his over and we make my house looks like snoop dog was just there cause we have to vape it out for next recipe…lol.I remember reading about the griffin but not sure where. Right now all I have is a kanger suntank plus

oh that sucks for flavor tasting. ugh i have to find it… i think zamplebox sells some on their site im not for sure.

can you not shop??? hold on let me look.

I used these for a while to test…gotta get the “sealed” one…they last a few weeks plus…

A much better choice is an Alliance V2+ and even the 1:1clone made in Illinois is very good.

A Tsunami 24mm is another very wise choice for testing.


see this, this is my 12 month old mutation X V4, it was my first dripper, I have probably 8 or 9 in my collection now but none, I mean NONE beat this for flavour, don’t know why, don’t understand it, they pretty much all do the same thing yet I gravitate towards this battered, chipped old work horse every time I test a new juice :confused:


I keep looking at all the new rtas so many dam options now. I don’t have money to buy them all. Lol

And u can tell you have put that one through the ringer. Sometimes older is better look at old stereo rscks. Lol

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well I’ve actually just ordered the Tsunami 24mm yesterday as it was highly recommended on here…that’s what happens if you spend enough time in this forum…you become poor…quickly…:persevere: lol

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Is the tsunami geekvape?

it is I believe :+1:

I persoanlly haven’t used the tsunami yet. I did by a tobecco velocity v2 clone. Works great for single coil, great flavor, and easy to build.

I also havnt had to worry about over dripping or leaking.

I also rock the uwell Rafeal X rda. Great flavor, easy to build because of the neutral post. You do have to be careful about over dripping. It does get hot when chain vaping. But if I buy and rda for backup purposes it would be this one because of the neutral post.