Dual battery

What are the benefits of dual battery over single battery for dual coil ?

I would think the biggest advantage would be battery life. Usually you have more power available on dual battery mods vs single batteries as well. This is all assuming you’re talking about regulated devices that take one or two batteries. I’ve heard too many horror stories of multiple battery mechs, and don’t have any personal experience with them.


that depends on a few variables. in a regulated device it will really just prolong your battery life. in an unregulated mod, depending on how they are configured yo have different results.
the simplest explanation:
if the batteries are in series it doubles the voltage
if the batteries are in parallel it doubles the working amp limit (essentially)

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Ok basically I brought a sigelei 75 w and want to use it with dual coil to test flavours but not sure I got it right as the sigelei 75w is single battery and was told it’s not suitable for dripping

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no, thats just silly. youre fine with 75w sig. it wont fire if youre pushing it too hard :wink:


Ok thank you for the help I feel stupid not knowing this stuff

I do 99% of my vaping under 60watts and I current have a dual clapton coils in the CLT dripper. Even the Smok TFV4 tank, which recommends 40-120watts with the stock coil, I only vape it at 60-70watts and I like a warm to hot vape. You will be fine with the Sig75, just carry an extra battery with you so you can swap it out when it’s low.


dont feel stupid! there’s a lot of different products and information and it can get very confusing! dont worry, you’ll get it :wink:


Ok after all this opened the sig 75w and didn’t like the feel of it so took it back and changed it for the sig fuchai 200w sorry guys but thank you for the advice :0)

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You should have enough power to run anything now! I have thought about picking up one of those , please let us know how you like it.

Glad you asked…keep reading and learning…we are here if you need help. Keep safe

75watts is all you really need for most vaping, but id imagine with the way sub ohm tanks are going we’ll need more watts soon

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1.21 GIGAWATTS!!! to be exact :wink: