Duomei Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Changes happen even if you change coils. Mesh coils bring out a sweeter taste. Round coils can change a flavor depending on density of the wire.


Roger that @rcleven, but this was same coils, same tank, same wattage. :slight_smile:


Sweet Mango (Duomei) 0.8% (6-16-23) – Having been blown away by Duomei’s Yellow Mango, I DID want to see what was what with this one. Out of the gate, I could tell it was different than the aforementioned YM. This one presented as more of a mashup of a delicious juicy yellow peach AND a mango. It wasn’t candied, but it was very much like peaches, and mangos in syrup, in a can (but without tasting LIKE a can). Now the exact split was hard to nail down, but it would be safe to call it “Canned Mangos in Syrup with Peaches”, and I’d put it at 80% Mango /20% Peach. Duomei really captured the “in syrup” here with this one, as it had a lot of the sticky wet syrupy notes perfected. The mango was similar to the previously tested YM, and very juicy and ripe. While blowing through the 3 testers I was trying to decide if the peach notes were a plus or minus, and finally decided on a plus, as it worked well in this flavor. At 0.8% it tasted very full, and juicy, and didn’t leave you wanting. About the only nit pick would be a slight dryness on the finish, but that would be about it. Juicy yellow peaches, and mango slices, canned in syrup, was JUST what you got with this one. Minor take-offs for the slight dryness on the finish only, and leaving it solidly at a 9.0/10.


Sour Mango (Duomei) 0.8% (6-18-23) – This Sour Mango, might be my least favorite of the Duomei’s thus far. It’s not that it was bad, just NOT one of my favorites. Overall it was somewhat subdued, and lacked a lot of the punch that some other of the Mangos had. Surprisingly it didn’t present as a very orange mango, but almost tasted more “green” if you can believe it. Now the green could have been rind, but it was hard to tell. Also, I didn’t get a lot of “sour” which continued the mystery OF this flavor. Because it was subdued, I couldn’t see this carrying the main freight for a mango mix, but it could be supporter. At 0.8% it was still somewhat relaxed, and missing was a lot of the punchy orange notes I’d grown to love from Duomei’s Yellow Mango. All in, a not very sour Mango, which was fairly relaxed, and almost had “green” notes to it, with possibly some rind. It felt fairly placed at a 6.0/10.


I never heard of a sour mango. But I have eaten young (unripened) mangoes with salt, but I wouldn’t call it sour. We :jamaica:'s also have a terpentine mango, but it only tastes like terpentine until it is ripe, then it’s good.

The ‘green’ notes sound more like unripened as the skin is usually somewhat tasteless with hints of pulp from the inners.


@big_vape I’d never heard of a sour mango either. I think it’s great Duomei tried to cover the spectrum with differing mangos, but the Sour Mango seemed to be more of a miss for me.


Sweet Pineapple (Duomei) 0.8% (6-18-23) – I spent some extra time with this one, as it was problematic for me…I went soo far as to actually change my coils, and reduce, JUST to make sure it wasn’t on my end. Starting out, it was a fairly bright, sweet Pineapple, with some good juicy-ness, BUT, it had an underlying slightly burnt note almost like you would get RIGHT before your cotton ran dry. Uh Oh. Changed my coils, same thing, increased AND reduced with the same effect (roughly 1.2%, down to 0.4%). I got an almost metallic undertone, which is what the “almost getting a dry hit” was most like. For the pineapple I DID get, it was good, with high and mid level notes, with some bright punch on the end, but the problem was, I couldn’t shake the almost metalic, dry hit notes despite trying. Because of that, I’ll have to rate this one down, AND, I encourage anyone else who DOES test this, to post up YOUR results. As it stood for my tastes, I would have to go down to 5.0/10

For a second opinion from Lukeloop

Thailand Lime (Duomei) 0.5%/1.0% (6-16-23) – Yes there are many limes out there, with Persian being the most common in the US. This one presented as a lighter lime flavor with just below mid-level sweetness. No zest, and just SOME zing to it. Because it felt a little too relaxed, I doubled it to 1.0% and it increased in flavor by about 25%. Because the sweetness level was somewhat high it almost reminded me of more of a Lime Simple Syrup, minus some of the sweetener. It’s not that it was too sweet, just that when increasing the flavor trying to get MO lime, I actually got SOME mo lime, but more sweetness. I did get some lime citrus oil notes but only just, and it did seem to lack some of the sharp/tart punch on the finish that would have really driven it home. It did present as fairly natural, and there were no off-notes to be found. All in, a sweeter, fairly relaxed lime, missing most of the tart punch on the finish. The takeoffs would be for the relaxed nature of the flavor, and somewhat high sweetener content, and it felt good at 6.9/10.


Let’s FINALLY, get on, with the VC !!!


Vanilla Custard (Duomei) 0.8%/1.2% (6-18-23) – Finally getting to the VC from Duomei. Trying to decide or assume to decide what VC is right for every user is impossible. There were some similarities to TPA’s VC II, but without a lot of the egg, and buttery richness. It was almost like a pairing of the VC II and a delicious Vanilla Pudding. I started out at 0.8% and it felt like it needed some more heat, and I upped it to 1.2% and it did fatten up somewhat. It never got eggy, or thick, but was still quite good. At times I almost got a bakery/graham undertone which just plain worked. Depending on your eggy needs, you would need to pair this with an “egg-er” to bolster that up, if not, leave it as is. It tasted like a cleaner VC if that makes sense, and for some, a richer, denser, heavier VC might be required. 3 testers later, I stlll enjoyed it, and I could see using this a lot, especially where a vanilla pudding/VC was needed, but not the heavy egg. No off-notes, and sweetness was about mid level, and I did prefer it @ 1.2%, and you could probably even go higher. My needs for VC’s typically are SOME egg, rich, and buttery. This one got pretty close, and it felt like it needed JUST a push to run it solo with no ragrets. For my tastes, it felt like it was 75%-80% of the way there for me, and I’ll leave it at 8.5/10. Despite it not completely covering the VC bases, it was a great flavor, and 3 testers later, I was mixing up another bottle.


Wild Blueberry (Duomei) 0.8% / 1.2% (6-21-23) – Was the LAST flavor in this series from Duomei going to go out with a BANG or a whimper ?? Well, we’ll just see about that. I started testing this one @ 0.8%, and I did get SOME fresh blueberry with nice jammy undertones, but it was fairly relaxed, so I upped it to 1.2% and it stayed relatively where it was. The most noticeable increase was in the jammy udertones, but not really the main base berry. So, not the strongest one for sure. The blueberry that I did get didn’t scream natural, and I think the jammy undertones left it feeling/tasting more artificial than not. Although it wasn’t one dimensional, it’s safe to call it a two dimensional BB. Some bright high end notes, some mid notes, but not much in the lower reigons, and I didn’t get much if any (there was some) of the darker musky notes that really add to many BB’s authenticity. The great news was there were no off-notes, florals, or soapy-ness. When comparing this one to heavy hitters like MF’s BB, it seemed like it would need some help to get there. Mixed IN the jammy notes were some nice tart, that gave it a little punchy boost on the finish. All in, not stellar or a failure, but more of a semi natural BB with nice jammy undertones. Obviously YOUR tastes/needs dictate what YOU need out of a BB far better than I can. For my tastes, it felt good at a 7.0/10.


I appreciate you guys hanging in there TO the end. Some great ones in the bunch, and some other good ones as well. Duomei flavors are VERY hard to come by, and trying to find someone that carries them is equally hard. If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to hit James up over at LiquidDIY.com.au and pick some up.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Very nicely done…


Thank you very much @McDuckie. Thanks for hanging in there. :slight_smile:


I wasn’t sure where to post and thought this was as good a place as any.

Finally got around to it, if you have Mango Solub Arome and Mango FE. I highly recommend this trifecta with the Yellow Mango. This will be my new mango combo going on what I’ve vape this arvo, very nice mango creamy thing I’m vaping on.


@marsh8 thanks for that Mango Trifecta.


Couple days in and it’s now in 2 different devices that’s when I know I’m onto something. The mix is a fraction off balance but that’s being picky.

Lucky I have a stock pile of these mangoes :mango:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Duomei Flavor safety thoughts

Yellow Mango is awesome also with FLV Sweet Mango


I can see it working from the couple of times I’ve used it, if I mixed like the old days it would already be mixed. But not so much anymore.