E-Caffeine concentrate from flavor west?

I dont remember wher I heard it either but I did hear the same thing. Something about the concentration not being high enough. It came down to having to vape about 60ml to equal a cup of coffee.

They will knock the cobwebs out for sure!:grin:

Ok :wink: Iā€™ll bite ā€¦whatā€™s CRAFT?

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kinda like the mature version of CRS!

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what were we talking aboutā€¦? Oh look! they make caffeine for vaping!


E caffeine flavour vapes are being used because it gives an instant boost to the caffeine levels in the body. However, drinking coffee is much better. The best thing is that the risks of vaping caffeine are just minor and there are many uncertainties about whether there is much of a benefit to inhaling caffeine rather than just drinking it.

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As the thread was quiet for over 5 years, it is out of date. Including caffeine in e-liquid was halted by TPD. In the UK, Part 6 of the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations (TRPR) incorporated it into English law. So became an irrelevancy in May 2017.