It doesn’t have to be an alcoholic drink mix or a cocktail, it can be a rum cake, a boozy mango smoothie or whatever your heart desires….
Note: we do also have Mojitos/ Exotic/ Tropical on the wheel for a possible future month so I would stay away from that type, but there’s no rules!
Again have fun , discuss , help , ask questions, share
Thanks to all who played along in last month’s mix-along, we really appreciate it. Again we will be drawing 2 randoms winners at the end of the month for a choice of $25.00 Bull City Gift Card or £25.00 Nom Nomz Gift Card, once you make your recipe public, link it here for a chance at the give-away. Public recipe must have the hashtag: #ELRMarMix
Have fun and we look forward to seeing what you all come up with!
Hmmm… So does one of the flavors have to be some type of alcohol flavor? Or can it be like the flavors that go into a mix drink without any alcohol flavor?
I used to vape a mix with fizzy strawberry flavor, I thought it tasted weird but I accepted it. Turns out it’s strawberry champagne flavor, not soda. Bleh.
I’m definitely gonna opt for a non alcoholic drink. I used to drink a lot… now I can’t even stand the smell of alcohol. The smell of an IPA makes me nauseous, liquor smells like wood varnish. I even had a coconut flavor that reminded me of coconut rum, had to dump it. Yuck. The marketing images of alcohol are like, “refreshing party drink,” or “the laboror’s reprieve” or, “old age maturity and sophisication.” But all I see is marketing tactics to sell a terrible tasting, mass produced intoxicant that can easily get you a DUI…let’s just say I am extremely lucky.
Hey this is kinda funny actually, since they wanna ban flavored vapes for “appealing to kids,” I wonder if they’re gonna ban all that fruity, candy, sweet flavored alcohol?.. Right … Riiiiight.
No rules except use the hashtag on public recipe and link recipe in this thread for chance at random giveaway. You can post as many recipes as you please, but each participant only gets one chance at the giveaway