ELR Recipe Contest..Rules/ Criteria

We will be putting all recipes in a thread when we are done…If anyone chooses to release them please use # in rules


I googled #elrmixingcomp1 and the top result was from ATF…
come on people, use the Hashtag and keep the recipes here on ELR for the contest :muscle:


D I S Q U A L I F I E D Lmao.


Well I will certainly will be considering all aspects of a mix while judging :ok_hand:


Now shows an error when trying to open from the google link


Yeah strange, now today shows no results unless you remove the # :man_shrugging:


Have I understood correctly?

Are you only allowing flavors to be used from BCF, MF, and FJ? What about the 25+ other flavor companies which we all own? Those are disqualified so that more people buy Medicine Flower? A bit iffy, if you ask me, so that’s why I am asking you. Which flavor houses can be used for this contest? If it’s stuck to those three, than I’m :poop: out of luck.


Just in case anyone is not in America and doesn’t know which flavors (or flavor houses) BCF carries, here are the manufacturers they resell:

Shame that VSO is not allowed for this. Some of the best holiday flavors came from Shane in the last years.


You guys really need to do something MORE to allow access for more interested people. I literally read about this contest for the first time TODAY, and was about to start a mix when I got home only to realize I am already too late to start.

Make some promo, and make some @user announcements. On discord you can even @everyone. I’m a bit pissed that I wasn’t even able to partake in this. Let’s hope you will run another contest next month. Stupidity will keep my hopes up. Happy holidays you all!


How much money you want the admins to spend. It already costs them a lot to run the contest. Iv seen info about this contest on every group or forum im on as well as diyordie and other youtubers for the last month so the word def got out.


Announcement was pinned on ELR discord, somebody else removed it once the recipe submission time expired.


There are all 10 most popular (minus VTA) flavor houses here + a few on top.
Each of these brands has 100+ flavors, while at least 5 of them have 300, some 400+ flavors.
Calculate how many flavors judges have to have (and buy missing ones) to be able to mix all those mixes?

VSO would be difficult to include because they have another x flavors (200? 300? 400?) and on top each flavor is in 3 different formats… It’s hard to imagine this contest would be even possible if judges were buying those flavors by themselves - just to try those recipes we send for the competition (MF is another story; they have collected many of those most used MF flavors in past years on their own, plus not many mixers hold them anyway, so they wouldn’t be in many recipes).

(Just thinking loud… for VSO it might be a solution to join via sponsorship for one of the next competitions = if Shane sends them flavors used in recipes for free? That might make sense for both parties, while otherwise i don’t know how including VSO could even be possible; it wouldn’t be that many flavors anyway, maybe 15-20 only since not many recipes are sent anyway, but that’s way too much for judges to spend additionally on top of their voluntary work, all other expenses and time spent).


Ken, Fiddy & Rocky gave a gift. From their own hearts & wallets, I might add.
The only acceptable response to receiving a gift that I was ever taught growing up is to simply say, “Thank-you.”
They even intend to give MORE of themselves in future contests.
So, if you missed the first one, how about a polite “Thank-you” for the future ones, too?
Disappointments happen. “Life’s tough…wear a helmet.” :blush: :hibiscus: :v:


Yes , Absolutely

What about them?? You cant make a recipe from all the flavors from BCF , MF and FJ???

Not at all. .We chose MF because we all have them and like them.
There is No requirement to use them

Look at the websites and then you can buy those flavors from wherever you want.

Your out of luck anyway since deadline is up…this contest has been announced all over the place Yt Shows, Diyordie , Fresh03 had a show every week about this contest , AAFL shows , Benny Vapes shows , ELR Discord had an announcement, Noted DX …

They needed to carry the flavors not just the brands

Again , it was announced all month in all those places above

And they may never be, but maybe they will . You talk about access , vso isnt easy to get for everyone. NOMZ carries some and he distributes the rest so access isnt the problem obviously.

That’s not happening, but we do plan on running more contest s with limitations so if limitations are your issue our contests might not be for you.

Happy Holidays

Theres always that 1


This is why people get burned out doing these things out of the goodness of their hearts. Someone just wants to bitch


@TakeMeToTheSea the above really hits HOME for me, and I agree.


Wait just a second @fidalgo_vapes, does this mean NO S’mores ?? !!!


Not next month…Lol, but if on the next one you can make a smores within the rules than be my guest :wink:



A trap to make people buy MF bc I get so much out of it SMFH lol …You and most everyone else will like the next one