Is there such a thing
My all time favorite rda!
HEY isn’t that cheating!!! Lynda is buttering up the judge. Why didn’t I think of that.
Because the Dead Rabbit v2 isn’t eye candy to you
I am so excited to find out about the results of the contest. So far the published recipes look delicious.
I doubt there will be “bad” recipes, none of us here are terrible mixers, the “three” have a very difficult task in assessing them, wouldn’t like to be in their place.
But at the end, we are all winners, they and us have been able to make it real, quite a feat thinking about it, everybody talked about it, we won!
That‘s what counts most.
I applaud the winner of this competition but i applaud everyone that entered a creation.
Im pretty fargin sick with the flu, 2nd time this year! And have a few more to test, ill try tomorrow as today i cannot breath through my nose at all. Shouldnt be too much longer as we have narrowed the field considerably.
I hope you feel better soon Ken. In my book we are all winners because we all participated. So to the 24-25 of us who entered a recipe, cheers! We made it further than those who didn’t. It’s great to step out of your comfort zone!
Some truly wonderful recipes came out of this too, i mean for real. A few of these got the big bottle treatment and are on the shelf curing.
A lot of talented folks out there making juice!
Gotta say this hasnt been easy at all and we still have to agree on a winner so more difficulty to follow but wow it has been so much fun.
Yes , Lynda_Marie…We always wish for more people to get involved but i am so grateful and cery happy with the turn out. The support from people was more than I expected. We all are so appreciative that we will be running another 1 With 2 sponsore that are giving prizes Plus another Gift Card prize …I wknt say who the sponsors are otherwise ll give it away. We will be discussing if there will be 1 winner or a top 3 … 1 winner takes all??? I hope you all join again . As long as everyone continues to participate we will continue to do these
Its nom nomz
@Ken_O_Where I’m so sorry to hear your under the weather. Try to keep it all loose. I always keep a huge spaghetti pot of water simmering in the kitchen to add humidity. Get your face over the steam for a few minutes every hour so you can keep on easily blowing your nose and coughing out the phlegm. Helps to keep a small bottle of eucalyptus essential oil around to inhale, also. And, Mucinex DOES work. I suggest taking daily C, D3 & Zinc every day through the year and giving up sugar. These small daily adjustments in daily life WILL toughen up your immune system. Take care kiddo.
Where are the published recipes? I’ve been under the weather the past few days.
“Where are the published recipes? I’ve been under the weather the past few days.”
Well, I hope you’re feeling better soon!
Just do a recipe search using #elrmixingcomp1