England report



Darn, you just beat me to it! Ready for some good news gals and guys? I know it’s across the pond for most of you, but it is a giant step forward :grinning: GOAL!


Thanks @quitter1, that’s a great article for the vaping community. Looks like it has some prestigious names attached to it. Unfortunately it will probably get buried with the rest of the positive studies.

Dumb Question time: Is England’s and the rest of the EU’s government’s reliant on tobacco tax revenue as general operating revenue?

Reason I ask is, the big drive against vaping never quite made sense to me until I started to “follow the money”.
I read an article, probably from you on ELR, your info on subject is great reading.
But it pointed out the fact that California among other states have borrowed 10’s of millions of dollars against FUTURE “predicted” tax revenue.
In essence, spending next months pay check this week. Guess I should have known that, but, just didn’t think supposedly educated people could do something so wreckless!! and now for them, just like the financial crash of '08, the well’s gone dry, so to speak.
So in a nut shell, the vaping community WILL be expected to replace that income, the big question is to, what degree?
On a good note: they need us to stay around right?
Just thoughts out loud here, and way behind the crowd, as usual :relaxed:


It is on the official Government website, not a local news outlet. If in addition the stop smoking services start promoting e-cigs as a product to help people to stop, as they are stating in the article, then that is another positive. Up to now it has been denied that e-cigs had that function.

[quote=“Highcountry, post:3, topic:26280”]
Is England’s and the rest of the EU’s government’s reliant on tobacco tax revenue
[/quote]Yes they are. I know in 2012 the Dutch Government got 2.5 billion in tax revenue from tobacco. However, sick people are also a strain on Government finances, it might be great for big pharma but… how much tax do they actually pay over the big profits they make. We still have a big battle ahead of us but this is at least some good news and might be very helpful. You could send it to your local representative, maybe they take it more serieus coming from their buddies in the UK.


this actually cuts out big tobacco from the pic all together??? it took big balls for this to come out and usually the u.s.a. is allittle behind but follows suite???especially since Obama-careless was put in place…


That’s a very good idea. I know they don’t spend much time going over emails sent to them but maybe the headline on this one would make him/her pause just a second on it.

Yes it certainly did take some balls to publish. Good to see.
A glimmer of hope would be that Politicians are like the Mafia,
They don’t care where the money comes from…just so the juice keeps flowin’.


That’s wonderful news!!!..for the UK (maybe I’ll move back in with my sisters in London if it doesn’t go so smoothly over here)

I can only hope the US breaks this damn cycle of relying on “death money” to cover their bills and all their other bullshit. I can see the US holding on to that other 5% saying, see, see, it is bad for you! It’s the 5% that’s going to steal your children from their beds!!


Take me with you!!! :wink:

I saw this report on Facebook. Here’s hoping people in charge in the US actually read it and listen. I have a feeling that’s a long shot, so I’m not holding my breath. LoL


That’s crazy talk! They don’t read!

Their sense of sight sucks, but their sense of touch, as in touching the money in their pocket put there by a big tobacco and pharm, is very keen.