I got a new DNA75 today. Of course I had to update Escribe to v1.2 SP3 so it would recognize the mod. Whoa! it’s way different… I’m lost Where are the freaking battery settings?
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@mstokens In the toolbar up top click “Options” -> “interface” -> “Advanced”
Then you’ll get an additional tab “Mod” with Batt settings
Thanks @BoDarc… I eventually figured it out. That and the fact that DNA75 is different from my 200s.
No worries. If you open Escribe without your device attached you get an option to open different GUIs (Shown as hypertext links on like a welcome page), but I’m not 100% sure if that’s exactly profile driven. Makes sense to have core hard settings since Mods like DNA75 will never have 3 batteries etc
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