Exporting my Flavor List from ELR

I’m fairly new to mixing. Started because my go-to vendors went away or were unable to ship to my state. DIY has been fun, but things have gotten out of hand, just a little. I went from 10 little bottles of flavors to a current count of 189 and I’m having trouble trying to get the flavor list from ELR to export to a spreadsheet that I can manipulate to segment the flavors into groups - ie bakery, fruits, tobaccos, etc. Truth is I’m no expert on Excel and can only modify things in the most basic sense. Creating a spreadsheet from scratch? Probably not in my wheelhouse.

So there’s a button at the top of the flavor stash page that says Export to CSV. When I do that it opens as a readable list in Excel but there’s a bunch of commas and weirdness and a yellow tab up top that says something about a comma delimited format and I should save it as an excel spreadsheet but when I try to do that it stays the same. A narrow list of flavors with all the commas and dashes that I don’t know how to expand (width wise) Can someone explain like I’m five what I need to do in order to have something I can work with? I’m ashamed to say I’m just not savvy enough to do it myself, but I feel like it would be a valuable thing going forward to keep up with this stuff as I learn how to make e liquid taste good.

Thanks for any help or links to resources that already exist that I just couldn’t find.


@Sassafrass that’s what a CSV file is (Comma Separated Values).

What you want is the XML format. Hit the same button, scroll down to XML, right click, file save as, and save the XML to your desktop.


Thanks!! Going to try it right now!


I’m sorry @Sassafrass I was speaking about RECIPES, not FLAVORS. FLAVORS, you only get a CSV option.


Ah. Okay! I was working and just a chance to got to mess around with it and didn’t have any luck. I’ll keep pecking at it. I can always type it into a doc and edit it along the way. Just hoped there was a cheat code! Thanks anyway!


When you go Excel, I think you’d say import, then say it’s a semi-colon delimiter. You might need to clean up any notes that contained a semicolon within


I don’t have nearly as big of a flavor hoard as most here, but I just wanted an up to date list that I could work from, in case I had any disappear. I just exported as a CSV and opened it in Open Office spreadsheet. I’m sure MS Office / Excel would do the same thing. I just prefer Open Office (it’s free).


Apache Open Office for the win @d_fabes. That looks clean, Office on the other hand, looks quite bad.


Well, I didn’t want to start a ruckus, but I don’t allow any of that spawn of the devil Microsoft shit on my Mac… LOL


LOL on the MS. Ruckus away Sir.




Yeah, you’re right. Apache Open Office for the win. Free makes it even better.

And to be honest… Apple or MS… they both have their devils & demons. I just like to stir the pot occasionally…lol


The only time I get burned by Open Office is with xlsx docs.


It’s so infrequently that I even have a need to use Open Office (thankfully). Even when I was working, I hated spreadsheets. I had to look up what a xlsx doc even was…lol.




I use LibreOffice as OpenOffice really isn’t being developed/supported much anymore. It’s based on OpenOffice and being actively developed.


Thanks for the heads up @mstokens :+1: I wasn’t aware that the development / support for Open Office was fizzling out. I tried the software update in Open Office, and it said unavailable. Not sure if updates had ceased, or if it was a link issue. No matter. I already had LibreOffice on one of my experimental Linux machines.

I now have both LibreOffice & Open Office on the Mac. I’ll use LO for a bit, before I ditch OO.



I’ve used Open Office for years since it was a Sun product (actually bought by Sun and then more fully developed). It has an interesting history. Rumor has is that Scott McNealy (co-founder of Sun) and Bill Gates did not get along too well. Again, rumor only, was that Scott wanted to stick it to Bill in some way and thought that buying the framework from a German company (Star something), building it out to become Open Office and giving it away for free would be a way to do that. Things changed A LOT when Oracle bought Sun and soon it was no longer a Sun product anymore. Larry Ellison (Oracle) doesn’t do much for free.

Once my new laptop arrives, I will again use Open Office and hope to avoid using MS-Office. I’ll see how it goes. If needed, I will get MS-Office, but would love to stick with Open Office.


You guys are amazing!! Got caught up in Holiday hoopla and just came back to all this!! I’ve got Libre Office downloading now! Thank all of you so much for your help!

Edit to add that it worked!! Thank you again!!