Facebook’s problems just keep accumulating, drip by drip—or more like splash by splash. It’s now been discovered that Facebook not only collects and uses the personal data of its members but also collects the data of those who never signed up for Facebook.
LOL, UNfriend me bro !!!
When people sign up for Facebook, they’re encouraged to upload their contacts to make it easier for Facebook to connect them with their friends. That allows Facebook to access personal contact information for people who never signed up for the platform or gave their permission to share their information. Facebook knows that these contacts are friends of the new Facebook user, and can start compiling additional details on these non-members.
This comes as a surprise, now? They’ve been taken to court for this years ago already. Facebook is EVIL, that’s why I removed my account about 4 or 5 years ago.
I put them in order from easiest to use to the most difficult but if you have some puterin knowledge they are all pretty simple to use. Click the name for the Firefox addons site and the longer link for the addons homepage.
Of course there are other addons you can use but these three work well for me. You can also block social media sites on most routers.
Then all you have to do is make sure none of the people you know post stuff about you on these sites.
These addons don’t do much in preventing FB to snoop up your info from other people’s mobiles and facebook feeds.
If your mom is on facebook and has FB messenger, FB has full access to your name, phone number, address, text messages (to your mom) and can even snoop in on phone calls and video calls. EVEN if you specifically tell FB to go to hell and block the hell out of it.
Not to mention, FB owns instagram and whatsapp and a big list of other big players on the internet. You can’t hide anymore.
It’s a scary world we live in and we’ve lost complete control of our privacy.
I use Disconnect on my Samsung Browser, as well as a few content Blockers. I have it to where I don’t even see the social media buttons on the bottoms of sites. Unnecessary.
Fortunately im old enough that no one in my immediate family uses any of these things, except my nephews. I had a smart for for a couple years and went back to a land line. Im a big nerd who doesnt have much to do with this modern spyware crap but i certainly understand your point.
I do have a fbunk page and twitter page for this persona but nothing tied to my real name and they were rarely used. I always wanted to like them but they were so creepy and stalkery…
Oh, almost forgot to mention that i run Waterfox, its a 64bit Firefox fork with all the telemetry and crap turned off by default.
The buttons always bothered me too, just more clutter.
Mozilla just released the facebook container which isolates your facebook activity from the rest of your browsing so if there’s a facebook like button it can’t track it back to your account (unless you click the button i assume). https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/facebook-container/
Unfortunately facebook, google, apple, Samsung etc. have a huge data collection already, for example the who knows who with all the friend lists and phone book entries as well as location data. Their data mining works so well that 2 or 3 years ago they could predict people’s behavior in some situations better than the husband/wife could.
The sad thing is that we can either go into full paranoid mode and try to give away as little as possible. Or we can use all the services and make ourselves completely transparent to a few tech companies. Google just works so well because they know us so well. Even if you’re not logged in to your account your browser, operating system and all kinds of settings like screen resolution or installed fonts allow google to identify you.
I don’t even want to think about what all this data can be used for one day. In China they’re introducing a score value for all citizens. If your score gets too low you can’t live in some areas, can’t work particular jobs or you’re not allowed to travel. They’re getting their data to calculate the score from alibaba and the Chinese facebook and google equivalents…
I’ve read about that quite a long time ago already… really scary stuff but nobody seems to care about it in the western world. No matter how much you warn them, how many examples you give them of when things went wrong for people, they just look at you like you’re a paranoid freak.
Exactly, convenience beats common sense every time. Was it George Orwell who said that you don’t have to force the tools of surveillance on the people, they will demand them.
facebook is out of control
although it is privately owned , it is a form of social expression
it is how people/families communicate with each other , what right do they have to censor and block content of their choosing?
they need to be regulated and prevented from pushing the personal agendas of the admins
If you want to have a bit of an idea what kind of shit can be done with too much knowledge read some of the books of Daniel Suarez, especially Deamon and Freedom, or Dave Egger’s the circle.
All just fiction but it opens your eyes to the potential.